Artificial Stupidity

She was drunk when she was driving on non-highway roads to get onto the highway that BlueCruise allows, so she’s still responsible.

Except that none of the source articles mention breaking the glass, and only two of the incidents were reported to have had damage to a door.

Yep, the DEA uses real values, local PDs inflate the values to make the bust seem larger, hence my original comment.  Glad you’re finally up to speed.

And then I read the article and saw the comparison to car movies.  Reading the article > Only reading the title.

400+ pounds is only a $1,000,000 bust.

I didn’t read anywhere in the article that great movies have to include trains.  Did I miss something?

Less than a pound of meth, less than a pound of MDMA, and less than half a pound of THC are only worth $100k if they’re dipped in gold, platinum, and uranium.

There’s even less infrastructure for hydrogen than car charging, but you go ahead and do that BMW, and a few years later we’ll all be laughing when you change your mind.

Have the dealerships tried to stop him by, you know, locking the fucking door?

Mustang SVO.  Everyone knows Mustang, few people know SVO.

Such a NP it’s already sold.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or

Nuke the site from orbit.  It’s the only way to be sure.

*ahem* PLANELOPNIK *ahem*

Tesla IS ASS, is what it actually means.

He drives companies off cliffs in his spare time, no time for trucks, Dr. Jones!

“Even when I was a little boy at 4 years old my mother would say, ‘You love trucks,’” Trump continued. “I do. I always loved trucks.”

Had nothing to do with being savvy, it was trusting someone I thought was a friend. Luckily it wasn’t much, only the first installment.  It was a cheap price to pay to learn the truth about someone I used to trust.

Deleting my Amazon account years ago is something I’ll never regret.