Artificial Stupidity

I agree, but the “victim” here did nothing about it for three years.  If someone drove off in my car I’d sure as hell file a police report and a lawsuit within weeks if the police did nothing about it.  Waiting three years makes me think there’s something more to this story than either party is admitting.

I had someone “sell” me a car, meaning they took my money and refused to give the title. Left it locked behind on a gate on a friends property until it was there so long my friend was able to claim it as abandoned and got his own title. I let him keep the car since it had been sitting so long I didn’t feel like

From the June 5th, 2023 town council meeting minutes:

No police report, no lawsuit until now, nothing except claiming he’s been harassed for the title and bill of sale.

Freeze Peach is only for Musk, the rest of us are his servants.

Both of them:

Not really a chase, but there’s a whole lotta funny driving in Midnight Madness.

$20k for a $5k kit car?  ND.

It’s the ghosts of all the people that are going to die in the future on the Starliner.  Ghost don’t have to pay attention to time, they’re not clocks.

Why in the hell is anyone still touching their face, especially their mouth and eyes, with their hands that they just touched some public thing with anyway?

They’re all pretty much better than the version that killed the entire brand because it was so.... out of touch with its predecessors.  Cougar was the one car model that got less sexy with each new version.

I’d buy two.

Strangled with their own boot straps, shame.

I’d vote for that one, too.  First car I ever drove was my mom’s Thunderbird Elan.  Somehow got her to scream louder than I had ever heard without her being mad.  She made my dad teach me to drive after that.

True, but I want a brand new one, not having to wait to import one that is 25 years old.

It’s so quiet it makes me think my next car will be a Mazda.

Compared to the 6 speaker Harman Kardon in my Crosstrek, and the 19 speaker McIntosh in my previous Grand Cherokee Summit.

My GFs CX-5 is one of the quietest cars I’ve ever been in, and the 10 speaker Bose system sounds incredible.