Artificial Stupidity

The deep dive into Homer nearly buying a foreign car.

“Take it for a test drive and you’ll agree: zagreb ebnom zlotdik diev.

Ranko Veslinovic, a name that just sounds greasy, and his actions confirm his greasiness. 

The more backlinks the more credibility the article has in the eyes of search engines.  If they do fewer backlinks then it gets lower priority.  They’re just doing what search engines require.

Tell us you don’t know how SEO works without saying you don’t know how SEO works.

Altima drivers, and Sentra drivers that aspire to be Altima drivers.

Definitely.  Few people take their new cars to the track unless they’re being paid by Youtube to ruin it.

I remember the V10 Viper powered Dodge T-Rex 6x6 concept.  Even 20+ years ago, that thing was too effing big.

These kinds of lists are so subjective it’s nearly impossible to detect the truth. Motor Trend has a list with Jeep, Chevy, and Kia showing high reliability. Some people will get a lemon car from a highly reputable manufacturer, some people will get a great car from a lemon manufacturer.

Stellantis and GM have multiple entries on the list, no reason to ignore Honda and Toyota’s subsidiaries unless they were actually bad.

Wonka’s tunnel is less scary than this one.

Yep, one of my favorite new video games in recent years is Punk 2077.

They could easily do a spacewalk and remove the thrusters to bring back down inside another vehicle, but that would mean they might actually be able to figure out the problem, which Boeing definitely does not want to do.  They’ll be happy when the evidence of their fuck up doesn’t survive re-entry.

Subaru, Lexus, Nissan, and Acura aren’t on the list either.

Say what?

Does Frank B. Rhodes, Jr. not know that the Chrysler brand has already been flushed down the toilet and is currently at a waste water processing facility?  There’s only one 2024 Chrysler vehicle, ffs.

First result of a Google for ‘decibel of a stock harley’ is a Youtube video showing a stock Harley hitting 120 db, with multiple results being above 113 db.  There’s lots of other results of people claiming a stock Harley is only 80 db, but none of them have evidence like a video of a db meter to prove it.

I bought my ‘84 in ‘93, and parts were already rare then.  Can’t imagine owning one of those Picasso styled pieces of shit now.

Don’t get me wrong, I FUCKING loved that car, until the repairs came up.

For the XR4ti: