Artificial Stupidity

Just after high school I had an experience with owning a rare car. ‘84 Mustang SVO. Fast AF, great handling, fun to drive.. and a pain in the ass to repair. Tire popped and chewed up the wheel? Gotta order the tire from New York, order a new wheel from Detroit. That 4 inch hose that got knicked while repairing

Ah, no, this was late 90s Firestone ATX that were eventually recalled because of their high failure rate.

My sister was driving our dad’s Ranger when a Firestone tired blew out on her while she was on the freeway.  Luckily she was able to keep control and get to the side of the road, and dad got a small payout for the trouble.

Musk: “Trump thinks I’m weird, and has said he’ll ban EV cars that make me most of my disgusting wealth, maybe if I pay him off he’ll let me blow him.”

Reminds me of Ned Flanders’ parents:  We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!

Agreed, and truck boys that are just as annoying.

I used to live near a short rail line, saw a girl slip on the ice and go under a train.  Don’t ever want to see that again.

South Park’s F Word episode is still relevant today, nearly 15 years later.

Now that SLC is getting the Winter Olympics again it’s nice to see them planning major public infrastructure expansions. It’s still a weak bus/trains system, with many parts of the area flat out ignored for public transportation, but it’s better than a 26 lane highway.

It’s 104 there right now, and will go up to 105 in the next hour. Forecast is 111 tomorrow, 114 Wednesday, and 116 Sunday. It’s slightly dipping below 80, at night.

I have absolutely no idea how you came to any of those conclusions. I never said, or even suggested, that it would be a problem for him to remove it if it’s not required where he lives (and acknowledged he could remove it in a comment), and never said, or even suggested, that he said everyone should remove their front

It’s typically a secondary offense in most states that require it, so you’d only get it if the cop was being a hardass and had pulled you over for something else.

That’s beside the point.  The car was purchased in California, that’s why it has a front license plate holder.  The author can remove it if his state doesn’t require one, but it was required where it was purchased.

It’s not like he could have built it anywhere else.. oh wait, Google Maps shows there’s plenty of non-forest land in Germany to build a factory on, but that would have cost more money.

California, where the car was bought, does require them.

This front plate nonsense is definitely going to have to go. The fact that people put up with this horrifying visual on a daily basis is appalling.”

$8500 for an Acty seems awfully high, considering has over 400 available, with one being $7500, another at $5800, and the rest being $4100 or less, including freight.  There’s even a 4WD dump truck for $3865.

Cheaper than their EV dune buggy, which starts at $125k.

This, 100%.