Artificial Stupidity

Even corruption is bigger in Texas.

Anecdotally, my GFs 18 year old has only ever shown minor interest in getting her license, let alone actually getting a car and having to buy her own gas and insurance. She’s been saving up for driving school for two years, but always depletes her savings with Doordash’d McDonalds. 

A few years old, low mileage, yet half the price of older, higher mileage cars and questionable details about the title.

Good to know, thanks!

A car company that doesn’t make cars.  What will they think of next?

I have three LCD screens in my Crosstrek, one of them is touchscreen.  But thankfully there’s plenty of buttons and knobs that I don’t have to touch the screen often.  I would be more than annoyed if I had to navigate a touchscreen to do something as simple as adjust the climate controls.

The 17 miles of electric range wouldn’t get me through my daily commute, and I wouldn’t enjoy going from the 2.5 engine down to the 2.0.  Otherwise it would definitely be in consideration.

Phrasing feels left out.

8 days turned into 8 months, minimum.  And Boeing is not going to be the one returning to get them, so yes, Boeing abandoned them.

Almost as easy as not standing on train tracks to avoid dying by train.

Boeing, finding new ways to making horrible shitshows accessible to everyone!

Price and lack of infrastructure. We go camping deep in the mountains a couple times a year, and there are few to no charging stations anywhere in the areas.

I will not be surprised when Musk starts suing people that canceled their orders because it violates his free speech rights to support an orange asshole.

Stellantis: WHY ARE SALES DOWN?~!?!

There’s only been one NavyOne aircraft.

Some manufacturers collect that info and sell it to data brokers and insurance companies, but I haven’t found anything that says Subaru is included in that group. Honda, Hyundai, and GM have all been called out for it publicly, GM is even being sued over it.

Does it have Starlink capability?  Even if you’re not subscribed to any of the services offered if it’s capable of having Starlink then it’s capable of sending Subaru info about your car.

Aw, resorting to ad hominem because you don’t have anything else?  The irony of you calling someone else a sad little man is comical.  Kindly fuck off now, boy.

Walz was deployed to Europe for nine months, mostly in Italy and Turkey, so he wasn’t going home every night, and spent plenty of time in disaster recovery areas after floods and tornadoes. You’re right, their service records aren’t equal, because Vance spent less time away from home than Walz did.

His Army Commendation Medal and two Army Achievement Medals don’t mean anything? Especially in comparison to a combat correspondent that by his own admission was “lucky to escape any real fighting”?