Artificial Stupidity

It’s been almost 30 years since I got a ticket, but they were all deserved. I’ve gotten away with far more than what I’ve been caught doing.

Venus certainly isn’t “plowing bow first” into the other vessel.”

Every modern (last 7 years) car does the same thing, mostly because of warranty issues. Subaru didn’t give a shit when I pushed my Legacy to 120mph, because it was out of warranty, but they’re damned sure going to care if I push my Crosstrek, in warranty, to the same point.

It obviously does matter, because Toyota, infamous for its consumer friendly warranties, denied the warranty claim.

The “responsible” owners.

One drove 114mph, and the other didn’t have insurance?  Definitely responsible drivers that I would trust without question.

<insert South Park F Word episode>

Wow, I had no idea Canadian Pontiacs were Chevy’s.  Thanks for that tidbit of knowledge.

The Mirage didn’t get airbags until the ‘94 year, so the ‘93 has that going for it, too.  ;)


Mine was an ‘87, light blue.  Still one of the funnest cars I’ve ever driven.

I had the convertible, I tried to intentionally turn it over. The only vehicle I’ve ever gotten on two side wheels, never did get it to fall on its side.

My brother had a 2nd Gen Spyder convertible in the late 90s. It was a fun car to drive, but it was in the shop so often he traded it in less than a year later.

I miss the Samurai.  Drove one throughout high school until I turned it over to my siblings to use when they were in high school.  That little car was a blast to drive, showed up so many large trucks in the mud pits.  They’d get bogged down and have to be pulled out by another large truck,  my Samurai would hydroplane

“please make this email more concise and direct” or “rewrite this copy to an 8th grade reading level”

That’s an even worse comparison than my AI v. Rocks. Multiplicity is a gem.

Put another way, you’re paying for additional software.”

“There’s a sucker born every minute.” -PT Barnum

<Checks his birth year>

The presidential primaries bring chaos to the most peaceful of times in the U.S.”