Artificial Stupidity

Mitsubishi has been on a downward trend for a long, long time. Twenty years ago they finally had to admit to so many manufacturing defects going back even longer that I stopped caring about what they make. Now I just wait for them to send me the scammy mailer that claims I can win up to $10,000 just for coming in to

Someday someone will figure out how to get enough room to squirm under a car without a lift.

It’s an adult version of Lite Brite or Etch a Sketch with automation.  Sure, it makes some funny/interesting stuff sometimes, but it’s a toy, not a tool.  Only artists might be able to make use of it as a tool, and most artists I know loathe AI even more than I do.

Yep, my top search engine now is DuckDuckGo because it doesn’t have stupid AI guesses at the top (which rarely are anything more than tangentially related to what I searched.)  I only go to Google or Bing if I can’t find something in DDG quickly.

Wall Street is finally figuring out that all AI’s today are dumber than rocks, and that comparison is an insult to rocks.

Facts, shmacts.  You can use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true.

Reviews I’ve read show most people love these things. I was concerned about the 340 miles on a tank of gas, but since they pull that off with a 9.3 gallon tank that’s actually decent. It’s been well taken care of, just not sure it’s worth $17k. has a few across the country, ranging between $9k and $25k.

In Utah the worst are drivers coming out of LDS temples.  “I’m turning now, good luck everyone else!”  It’s like they think their deity will protect them, which might be true, since most people I know avoid driving anywhere near those things now.

The consequences of their actions make them a victim!!!

Right after you fuck yourself with a chainsaw.

Perhaps you haven’t read enough about the incident, but the police pulled him over for driving like a jackass, and let him go, telling him if he was caught driving again he’d be pulled over for DUI.

0.025 BAC wouldn’t even be illegal in Utah, that has the lowest BAC level in the nation.

There’s very little about reality TV that interests me, but I’m gonna have to watch this one.

Just doing a quick Google search for ‘test drive car stolen’ there’s enough results that maybe dealerships should start doing a bit of a deeper dive into potential customers before test drives.

The portions of the lawsuit against the salesmen and dealership aren’t based on them knowing or not knowing about the drivers prior record, it’s about their advertisements, specifically that they “would go the extra mile (per hour) to give customers an unforgettable sales experience” during test drives.” and one post

I had no idea so many people here were pro-DUI.

I’m not aware of any laws banning the practice, but all a dealership would need to do is have the potential test driver fill out a form authorizing the dealership to run a criminal background check.  Some dealerships require a credit check before a test drive can happen already, so it probably wouldn’t be too hard to

Two months? Ever since Gizmodo was sold to Keleops Media.

Or had allergies.”

found in a nearby backyard hiding underneath a sheet of plywood.”