
Please please please please

I’m thinking far too many people read your comment as “Ivanka” cause it needs more stars. Can Marla play, too?

I range between pity and disgust for Melania, but I in no way deem her innocent. I’ll stick with Tiffany and Barron.

I mean, the sleep deprivation alone helps nothing

Would assume this is why on any given day no one can tell me if our kids look more like me or like my hubs.

Kelly Rowlands is so much braver than i am. Two kids and two sets of stitches and I still haven’t had the balls to get a mirror down there to see the scars. And the first one was 5 years ago.

I read they offered $400 and no one bit, so they doubled it. When no one volunteered at $800, that’s when the names were picked.

Wait I though Chris Kirkpatrick had like 5 kids WHEN he was in *NSYNC.

If I got to draw a line, it would probably be 12 or 13. Older than that? Sure. Follow the guidelines. Younger than that? Let’s go ahead and give them some major wiggle room.

I’m so torn. I totally get the dress code situation for the passes. And if it were an adult I would agree this is a non issue. But I think Patricia Arquette nailed it. They’re 10 year olds. Who had to wait an airport to maybe or maybe not get a flight. And then fly. I understand there’s a dress code. But I also think

A recommitment ceremony might be cheaper! DO IT!

Nope. Brad Renfro. That’s who I was thinking of. I had no idea Jonathon Brandis died, apparently.

Wait I though he died. Who am I thinking of???

I think he brought up the NYT twice, if I recall correctly. It was infuriating. And got so defensive when Inskeep just followed up on a past convo. I was driving my kids to preschool, so I couldn’t yell at the radio. But I was raging.

The whole time he was talking this morning I was waiting for Steve Inskeep to jump in and call him out more strongly for the non answers. Gorka just comes across as such a snobby asshole. I always appreciate NPR talking to people on both sides, but man. He’s hard to listen to.

These things are not the same.

I’m sorry. That’s terrifying. I hope you are looking for or seeing a therapist. They help SO MUCH in times like this. Even if it’s just once a month or whatever you can afford.

Seriously. All you hear are horror stories. This poor family. I got a knot in my stomach reading about it this morning. I hope she pulls through as unscathed as possible.

This is my favorite:

I remember my first vaccuum! I was so excited!!