
When I brought kid #1 home from the hospital at age 30, I guess?

She’s nuts. None of those cheeses are off limits unless they’re unpasteurized, which they won’t be unless they come straight from another country. Even Brie is pasteurized if made in the US.

Seriously? Designated Survivor makes me wish keifer was our pres. I sit and wonder how Trump would deal with any of the shit thrown at him and cry a little.

I’m so sorry. My pelvic pain was so bad with #2 that when my doctor told me to stop trying to walk and be healthy, I almost kissed her. I mean, and that was just general pain. Nothing actually diagnosed.

Not when he’s blonde, I assume.


Yet somehow BEN CARSON hasn’t failed this test?

I opened a shop on Zazzle. A few designs at the moment but this is the gist.

I cook a LOT and my current and last house both had closed off kitchens. On one hand, it gets very lonely. I can’t see my kids and my husband has to deal with them

Also my life in a nutshell.

I mean...he’s not wrong.

I’m curious as well.

LOLOLOL Can you imagine This guy after 14 hours of Benghazi hearings.

Thank you. I don’t want to be judged for giving $10. Or $20. Or $40. Or whatever. I can probably afford to give more. So the fuck what? 10k is nothing to sneeze at. I wish I could afford to give them that much.

My four year old told me that “trump is a bully so no one should vote for him”

The Facebook comments on this complaining about the “tiny” amount Katy gave are giving me the shakes.

Our wedding anniversary was Tuesday.

Look at southern CA’s very blue map and see the bright red spot in the Central Valley? Pretty much what you’re describing. I know a bunch of guys who were pulling in over 100k a year with high school degrees working the oil fields. Suddenly they’re not. Or they’re traveling to other states for work for months at a

That basically sums it up

Right, this is not new information. House hunters admitted to this years ago. It’s part of the fun. I like figuring out which one they already bought and listening to their reasonings why it’s not perfect.