Can someone explain to me this “good (great) ___!” thing? Is it a subtext thing? A not-quite-hashtag thing?
wait ... with that many chins how isn’t this guy Chinese?
Retaliating for. Not “to.”
Re: the border butterfly refuge, that is actually located on private land. The Border Patrol is supposed to communicate with landowners prior to accessing the land and certainly before doing any kind of work or construction. There’s a process and actually liaisons for this.
MC is currently fine, he’s rolling in sweet, sweet Command Hook ad money.
This is such a tiny thing, but does anyone know how many kids he already has? Jez states this will be his second, but ex-wife Melissa’s tea-serving friend refers to the “children,” plural, from that marriage.
Comet me bro
When I first read this, I thought she was an astronomer. I thought to myself, “why does she sound so incompetent?” Then I double checked, saw astrologer, and it finally made sense.
I look forward to welcoming little baby Topshop Felon to the world.
Milo n me thank u...would make a good book., Milo N Me, Mondays with Milo, The Book of Milo. Tips for Winning at Laser tag, by Milo......
This is a great article, but I have to nitpick just a smidge - “being a bit impolitesse” means “being a bit rudeness.” “Rude” is just “impoli.”
I can’t believe this is being typed into my computer box but... Perhaps he would be best suited to work as a waiter in France as opposed to a country known for it’s politeness.
If you’re an evil corporate piece of shit involved in Mueller only knows what kind of shady dealings w foreign nationals, its probably best to stay away from the monocle emoji. Also I have no clue who Britt McHenry is and look forward to continuing having no idea who she is,
but individual citizens cannot actually draft, advance, and vote on legislation themselves.
It’s such an absurd question that I can’t even decide if you’re serious. On the chance you are, I’m “here” because I was born in Maine, not Finland. And my dad was born in Michigan, not Finland. My grandparents immigrated as children. I am just making a point that I enjoy learning about where my grandparents came from…
“‘Oh, someone else needs to pass a law to protect me.’”