She’s gorgeous!!! I think our foster fails just knew where they needed to claim home. Or at least who would spoil them silly!
She’s gorgeous!!! I think our foster fails just knew where they needed to claim home. Or at least who would spoil them silly!
I can get slow blinks out of Cliff, and he meows occasionally, though I’m not sure how much it’s for my benefit. He also sometimes seems to follow me around (at a distance, of course). In order to get him to the vet, I have to don leather gloves (not kidding) and grab him with a towel, blanket, or sheet so he can’t…
Benny, Archie and Louis send warm regards 😽
My heart is with the store, but my head is with the kid.
Just an FYI,
It’s MERRIAM-WEBSTER. Miriam Webster sounds like the name of some aged hippie from the Park Slope Food Co-op.
any excuse to share this and make fun of jared:
Is it a ducktator if it quacks?
My biggest fear is meeting the love of my life and he’s allergic to cats. I made a commitment to this cat when I adopted her and I refuse to give her up. So I guess I’ll just continue asking about allergies on first dates! Hahaha.
It will totally be fine. My only reservation about this is the severity of his cat allergy. My boyfriend is allergic to cats too, but nowhere near to it being as severe as your new beau’s. Also, my, now our, cat is short-haired. We have established certain boundaries over the years, the pets (we also have a dog) are…
He loves you and your scent? Has he gone after your socks and shoes at all (when your toes aren’t in them?)
Darrell Hammond was really funny, gotta admit.
Clones and Drones freak me out. I thought she would have claimed she “did the cloning to help improve the science”. But nah, just a rich old that thinks it’s OK for kicks & giggles clone their pet.
[P]ast and present U.S. military figures, a usually Trump-friendly [Wall Street Journal] editorial board, a supportive union [United Steelworkers], fellow Republicans and even companies that would otherwise benefit from tariffs, have urged Trump not to impose them on Canada. (Global News)
A friendly reminder that in the last trade war which occurred under Bush Jr, 200 000 Americans lost their jobs and the US lost, as usual. Now take a loser like Trump, who has never once run a successful company, and put him in a trade war situation! Let’s see if he can top Bush Jr’s 200k jobs lost! The first part is…
and this...i have not read the story and am not always sure about The Hill’s reporting but...
One of the beautiful things about non-cloned animals and humans is that we stretch ourselves to love different personalities, different quirks, and different ways of being. This is how we evolve.
I am totally judging her for ditching Sadie!