
I’d be afraid of the amount of poop coming out of something that big.

That’s how my oldest cat and I sleep!

Solution (if you can afford it and have the space): another kitten! They keep each other out of trouble.

My cats. Always. Sometimes, there’s no room for me!

I have a cat who has not let me touch him in three years (foster who I adopted because my female cat loves him). I haven’t been able to crate him to get him to the vet. He does slow blink and talk to me, though.

My stupid phone always changes “cats” to “cars.” You’d think it would know by now I’m a crazy cat lady

My first kitty, a girl, loved everyone. But I also think she was a dog trapped in a cat’s body.

I have a foster fail too!

Yeah, it’s right there in the quote!

I’ve seen that before but forgot who the voice was. I heard it and lol’d like I was seeing the clip for the first time.

I hate the one where the guy is being rude to his new Irish neighbour, then discovers he has Irish heritage, and they become best buds.

If it’s a Netflix-produced show, it should be available.

I use a modified version of the thumb-wrap grasp.

Hey, me too! People always comment on it.

I was wondering whether that choice of wording was intentional.

Thanks for clarifying. I was surprised to read here that it was his duvet. Didn’t remember hearing that during the trial.

When I saw the repeated use of “Native Indians” I knew it was going to be a hell of a comment.

Glad she’s better. My cat developed the same problem after an irresponsible vetinsisted I put her on an extremely calorie-restricted diet to help her lose weight. I think I was basically starving the poor girl.

They call it a “cafe-style beverage mix.” Is that like those cheap “frozen desserts”?