
I mean, we could probably get them to attend enough fake Facebook events that they spend all their gas money and their wives are like “ok, no more cosplay for you”

Imagine going to a party in the middle of a plague in the country with the most cases of said plague, knowing that this increases your risk of catching aforementioned plague, and then getting mad that you weren’t IMMEDIATELY warned that you were exposed to the fucking plague.

I’m always taken back at just how much hatred White people have for Black people and how that must affect their day to day lives. The fact that we’re just living our lives, minding our business and they have this frothing rage against us is so bizarre lol. Just watching us continue to survive and excel and influence

Someone should call those friends in, and if they don’t respond, then someone should call them out. The message that Jo Rowling is spreading is the reason why the trans adolescent suicide attempt rate is over 40%. It’s the reason why no population in the US is more at risk of being murdered than trans women of color.

Someone should probably tell the rich that workers banding together to present formal address of grievances is the alternative we worked out a long time ago to breaking down the factory owner’s front door and beating him to death in front of his family? I feel like they forgot.”

You have no ground to stand on. Those “protesters” were no better than terrorists. Multiple participants have actively threatened violence against politicians, and have made it very clear that this was a “warning” to the governor and Michigan lawmakers. Using force and the threat of violence - implicit or explicit -

Odds are good Marvel’s Taskmaster is the inferior Taskmaster! XD

A woman who was a former graduate of the school attended the basketball game and posted a picture of the flag hanging on Facebook with the following quote: “What culturally proficient educator has a ‘life’ size Nazi flag in their tool kit and then has the audacity to hang it OVER THEIR CLASSROOM WINDOW IN THE FRONT

If it helps any, just imagine anything he says in Gilbert Gottfried’s voice.

The uncanny valley hard at work.

Seriously, is anybody really interested in a Kanye West biopic?

Kanye seems to be caught up in that “thinking the opposite of what people are used to means I’m thinking freely” mentality that most people grow out of in adolescence. That doesn’t make you a free thinker, just a contrarian. You’re still just as concerned with what other people think.

I don’t see my reply so I am repeating it here:

Here is the problem-nobody doubts the fact that Trump withheld the aid and nobody doubts the fact that his reason was to get Ukraine to soil Biden’s reputation. The thing is, the elected Senate Republicans do not care. They don’t care if Trump is beholden to Putin. They don’t care if he has engaged in illegal,

With this development, every Republican Senator still blocking Bolton’s testimony is now knowingly and actively participating in furtherance of the very [Article 2] Obstruction of Congress cover-up at trial before them.

I am those Black and Brown folk and grew up with those restaurants available. It’s how I know they’re trash. My folks would drive past them and make us dinner instead of patronizing them. Why? Because they knew it was trash. I made no mention of Black and Brown folk in my post - not only because they are me and I am

You can tell Megyn didn’t see the film. The movie pretty much lambasted Downey’s character as an actor that got so into his role that he thought that doing that was a good idea. I mean in the last act of the film Downey’s character realizes how fucking dumb he is and wrong he was to demean others with stereotypical

Apparently she wants us to perceive that losing professional connections and respect for because she worked for a convicted and unrepentant pedophilia sex trafficking rape arranging rapist, who continued to rape children after finishing the slap on the wrist sentence he received thanks to his powerful friends, is

I hope they send the Canadian guy to Guatamala. That would be the fucking best.

Can you imagine being a scriptwriter egotistical enough to have a copy of Terry Pratchett’s Guards! Guards! and Night Watch to hand and thinking, “No, I’m a much, much better writer than Pratchett. I’ll just use the names and make up my own stuff.” The arrogance of it is absolutely breathtaking.