
I watched Haley's comet in a field north east of Alachua. It was a moon less night and you could see the band. Not like that though. The only time I've seen it like that was when I was lost in the back road of South Carolina. I found myself in a spot where I couldn't see my hand in front of my face, it was so dark.

Today I learned that there was a Power Pack TV Movie

His catch phrase for a while was "BLAM! I murdered you." It didn't catch on.

Yes, Nokia invented colored electronics.

A coworker was explaining Keno to me and that was his betting scheme. He would find what number hadn't hit in a while and just double down until it came up. I said "Yeah but what happens when it's like $1k to double down?" He said "I don't flinch." He doubles down into five figures on Keno in a dinky little casino in

I see. I missed the nuance of "side project" apparently.

A hole in the side of a plane was patched with an inflatable raft. Why not on list?

You assume privacy in your own home. For an indoor grower that is a fallacy. You have power companies watching for signature spikes in power consumption, helicopters looking for infrared hotspots, drug dogs can be brought in to sweep your property as easily as your car.

Do you render a lot of 1080p video or do a lot of CAD work? No? Get the Air.

I used to be big into Maker's but after drinking Four Roses for a bit, Maker's started tasting too spicy to me. I've now switched to Buffalo Trace as my "volume" bourbon. Just as good as Maker's IMHO but smoother on the finish and at the same price point.

I've pulled the e-brake causing a 180 to get my wife to stop screaming at me from the drivers seat. That got her attention.


A guy I knew in high school had a scanner. By the time the cops showed up to bust our parties, we were all long gone.

That is.... uh...

Or if all of your music is lossless and you have a TB of it.

I clone every drive in my house, put them in a Pelican case and store that case offsite. RAID won't help you if your house burns to the ground. I'd go the cloud route but 6TB of cloud storage is still a little pricey.

Really? Because I don't trust drivers. You might may be a good or even great driver, but you can chalk up more accidents to driver error than not. Saying that you'll never trust a computer to drive a car is like stepping back twenty five years and saying you'd never trust a computer to do your taxes.