
What vacuum cleaner is this? Looks interesting?

Most of the clothing is very compact so I can see it travelling well but what is your shoe size? As someone who wears 14 or 15 I always have to laugh because I know that even one extra pair of shoes takes up a lot of space.

Of all of the cars out there in this range, this one looks like it will provide maximum fun with the least likelyhood to have the driver called "douche". I give you the 1969 427 Stingray. 425 HP (claimed at dyno) w/ 4 speed stick and a droptop... and those curves... oh yeah.

Glad to see they cast an asian-american in the role, and didn't whitewash her like they did in the 90s cartoon!

"There'd be YEARS worth of preserved foods..."

yep...all of it

As a professional drinker, I endorse this comment.

As a lawyer, let me just say this:

You seem fun.



Maha Powerex Imedions. They're low discharge, like the new Eneloops, but they hold more juice (2400 mAh) and are cheaper.

Maha Powerex Imedions. They're low discharge, like the new Eneloops, but they hold more juice (2400 mAh) and are

POWEREX from MAHA. I've been using them for about 5 years now and have been very pleased. I got mine from Newegg, but they are also available at Amazon.

POWEREX from MAHA. I've been using them for about 5 years now and have been very pleased. I got mine from Newegg,

I've been a fan of Maha Powerex for nearly a decade. AA batteries with every bit of 2700 mAH, and they really take to recharges well, they're not lying when they say over 500 recharge cycles.
Full disclosure: after trying several charges, I've also settled on a Maha charger. I do not consider myself brand loyal, just

I've been a fan of Maha Powerex for nearly a decade. AA batteries with every bit of 2700 mAH, and they really take

I sincerely hope not.

Vietnam special at 118?!?!?! How high are you right now Raph?!?!

Ok, they just blew past the "Uncanny Valley" with this one! I have NEVER seen so realisticly computer rendered creature of ANY type before! They absolutely NAILED this! My congrats to the computer animators responsible.

There are no dumb questions**

"... all your food-related items are kept in a bear canister or inside a vehicle with all the windows rolled up."
Keeping food in a closed car in some areas, such as Yosemite National Park, will cause you to find a door missing from your car in the morning.