
Of all of the cars out there in this range, this one looks like it will provide maximum fun with the least likelyhood to have the driver called "douche". I give you the 1969 427 Stingray. 425 HP (claimed at dyno) w/ 4 speed stick and a droptop... and those curves... oh yeah.

You seem fun.



Maha Powerex Imedions. They're low discharge, like the new Eneloops, but they hold more juice (2400 mAh) and are cheaper.

Maha Powerex Imedions. They're low discharge, like the new Eneloops, but they hold more juice (2400 mAh) and are

POWEREX from MAHA. I've been using them for about 5 years now and have been very pleased. I got mine from Newegg, but they are also available at Amazon.

POWEREX from MAHA. I've been using them for about 5 years now and have been very pleased. I got mine from Newegg,

I've been a fan of Maha Powerex for nearly a decade. AA batteries with every bit of 2700 mAH, and they really take to recharges well, they're not lying when they say over 500 recharge cycles.
Full disclosure: after trying several charges, I've also settled on a Maha charger. I do not consider myself brand loyal, just

I've been a fan of Maha Powerex for nearly a decade. AA batteries with every bit of 2700 mAH, and they really take

Vietnam special at 118?!?!?! How high are you right now Raph?!?!

I still hate that this isn't happening.

As a tax paying SF resident and one who has ran into d-bags using this app on more than one occassion, I say this is a good move on the city government. I live around the baseball stadium so on game days it can be tough to park near where I live. I can tolerate people going to the game randomly finding empty spot on

Do you not see the difference between making fun of a city vs making fun of an entire state?

NJ is far from a great big garbage dump. Actually once you get out of the area in the shadow of NYC there's lots of beauty here. Maybe you should visit sometime before saying stupid things to get a laugh. Our elected officials are of course an embarrassment but how many states aren't truthfully in the same boat?

Haha I wouldn't have thought anyone remembered my contest entry!

Very effective argument ender...proud of him.

Honestly, men of jalopnik - who hasn't seriously considered this? Seriously.

The long-term performance of Eneloops is truly impressive. They really represent an isolated sub-category of super high quality standard size rechargeable NiMH batteries.