
Wow. I had forgotten all about that series. It was the only non-Marvel series I got enthraled in.

When the 300ZX came out there were all these news articles that showed them wrapped around trees as unrecognizable hunks of charred metal. Yet twenty plus years later, I see them on the road all the time.

Ocean Beach in San Francisco has 12 fire pits. (get there early!) Used to be able to burn right on the beach but then assholes happened. Also, Ocean Beach is the most stupidly named beach in the whole world. Prove me wrong.

Just strip off all the body panels and put a roll cage on it.

I want to restomod one so bad.

I was stuck on that ride once. For the first minute or two I thought, "Oh this is funny. What a shitty ride to get stuck on." by the seven minute mark I knew where the three closest exits were and was considering the ramifications of spending the rest of the day at Disney with wet shoes and socks and a family that I

I was in Tahoe for wedding planning when we got 8 ft. in 24 hours. The next morning my go getter (now) wife opens the garage door and guns the rental Rav4 out into the snow. Took me two hours to dig it out. Just in time for the plow guy to do the driveway. She was on the phone with our wedding planner who was telling

My respect for people erodes when they tell me they have trouble putting together Ikea furniture. Or worse that they hire people to do it. But then again, I like puzzles so maybe I'm just wired that way.

That's the rub. Our trips are either very purpose driven or combined. Like we'll go wine tasting because we rented a car for the weekend for an unrelated purpose or we are coming back from somewhere else. We were dropping off something in Oakland at a coworker's house and she was having a barbecue and invited us to

In San Francisco I'm A. Not spending an hour not finding a place to park, and B. Drinking heavily.

Not true. My son got mugged here in SF last year and the police came to the house and were as helpful as they could be. They got a couple of the guys but his stuff was down the road. They got the serial from me to put into a database. The first thing they asked was if he had Find My iPhone set up. He didn't because he

Fun Fact: They are commonly used as the basis for Burning Man art cars as they have an enormous weight capacity, are low to the ground (so you can build on top), and you can't drive faster than 5 mph anyway out there.

This. I saw the second viewing of 70mm IMAX at AMC San Francisco and it was full of dirt and artifacts. While I appreciate the tone and grain of film, I don't miss crap all over the print when I watch digital.

I've felt from the beginning that Iron Man joined the GotG in the comics just so it could be justified in the MCU. They've already written in the anxiety of knowing there was more out there than he understood in Iron Man 3. He'll deal with that anxiety by leaving earth to go see it. Most likely in a post credit scene.

what's in his hand? I think it's a fanny pack.


BOTH Marvel villains that make me throw up in my mouth combined into one. Please someone name one good thing that came out of either the Onslaught event or Uncanny Avengers as a whole.

No. Stop the trend of making hamburgers not only taller than it is wide but also taller than any human being not involved in either circus sideshows or the adult film industry could possibly fit into their mouth. This, thing, is meant to be eaten with a knife and fork. Why else would they put sauce on the top where