
It's OK because we shot it down with our Star Wars Missile Defense Lasers right? Right?

That's one busy day you had Mr. Erickson S-64 Sky Crane. Good Job!

This is what natural selection is for.

I last wore a watch in 1992.

I last wore a watch in 1992.

Re: the menu tiles. It says in the article,"They look tacky, but more unfortunately, they're hard to navigate—and some can't even be removed." So I take it that some can be removed? If so, which one's?

Chrome pulls down the update in the background and when it's ready, you get the symbol as a prompt to reboot. The most painless update procedure I've seen yet.

Thank you. That very question was burning my soul.

You need to see a doctor.

I also use a fake name.

Yes, you can. You have to know who to hand it to though.

I came into Key West in a 13 seat puddle jumper. We were getting thrown all over the place and you can see down the asile out the wind shield that the runway is going in and out of view up, down and side to side. I thought were were going to die. The pilot put it down beautifully. Perfect landing. Then this five year

I googled poop and did not get similar results. DAMN YOU GOOGLE.

Years ago I met a guy who owned more porn shops than any single individual in the US. He told me that Christmas Day was his big business day. There are a lot of lonely people out there.

Now playing

They still do the Big Wheel Race. They just moved it to the real curviest street.

I was listening to a story about this on BBC radio last night and the guy they were interviewing said the damage is done in this case and that anyone with the skill set could replicate this work with the information already published. Then he went on to say something that scared the hell out of me. He wasn't concerned

I would love an interactive 3-D exploded view of where all the cuts come from and how they fit together.

1. Don't drink cheap stuff and don't mix too many types of alcohol. If you fail at that...

When I got married we were obligated by the venue to carry event insurance. It turns out that renter's insurance covered that to so we got a policy. The first day of our honeymoon, we had two bags stolen. The renters insurance covered that too. (btw hard to believe those bags and their contents totaled $1800 but they

And that's why his name is on 323 patents.