
@blyan: Banksy does actual cows

Is there an app like this that calculates caloric consumption for biking? My knees are too jacked up to run.

Where does the beer touch the metal? right where it pours out. And I can taste it. I don't mind it that much to be honest. I'm more of a bourbon man anyway.

I good idea made better via Baby Elephant Walk

@battra92: I would rock House Husband so hard. I'm a better cook, I'm experienced at raising kids and have a higher cleaning standards than my wife. She makes more money anyway but we couldn't do one income.

@microinjectionist: So what happens when these helpful plastic eating microbes move on from our trash and start eating all of the plastic things we don't want them to? Nature is inventing plastic rust.

OK, raise your hand if you didn't think this would happen. This is why we need seed vaults.


I'll start freaking out when it's as fast with a knife as Bishop.

It's a little high concept but I like the idea of sinking a amphitheater into the roof of a tall building.

@tenazrael: The Groom didn't accidentally bring an assault rifle to his wedding. Unless he was planing on ending a life, he had no reason to pick up the gun.

When the Segway came out I thought it was pretty douchey because it replaces, well, walking. But then I saw a little girl with MS on one in an airport and I realized what a great invention it was for the disabled. The Segway's biggest failing is that it was over hyped and mis-marketed.

@Cree Kelly: Oh, ha ha, yeah I can see that now.

That makes my brain hurt.

@AacidusX: I have great reception in my apartment. Because I have a tower at the end of the block. It's every single other place in the city that I have a problem with.

Generally: SomaFM

This happens all the time in San Francisco as everyone would just abandon ship and head into the hills during the gold rush. So they would just drag the ships inland to use them as landfill. It amazes me that even though this country is just a few hundred years old, there is so much that we know nothing about below

It just goes to show that Mint needs some competition. Other than the recent inclusions of "goals" they've updated neither the site nor the iPhone app for quite a while. The promised iPad app is no where in sight and I find the analytics to be bare bones. That being said, I use it religiously, because there isn't an