
All of those spots will be gone by the time that car gets there.

On a related note, I have $28.44 in my checking.

I would hit that car on purpose. I've done it before.

@Tycho Vhargon: I think we are all traveling into the future. All of the time.

@Tycho Vhargon: I think we are all traveling into the future. All of the time.

I like that fake English accent.

@Pony Stark: How do we know you AREN'T Steve Jobs?

I've got reception problems, but only with AT&T.

My BS detector went off at Myth 2. I've done the Pepsi Challenge on this and a room temperature steak is more tender than a fridge temperature steak. The only issue is a decreased cooking time and therefore a smaller window of opportunity in pulling it off at the desired temperature.

@chinezeks: Our ancestors did and we didn't die out as a species.

I waited almost four hours in line yesterday and probably would have left at some point but the three random guys I lined up with were great company. We never even got each others names but they made the time fly by.

From what I've heard, Remote is being updated for the iPad. The fact that they are taking a long time to do it actually gives me hope that they are cooking up something cool. I wish that they would hurry up though.

@KryptonZero: Holy Crap! I didn't even think about the fact that was happening to me.

@axiomatic: Large corporations who don't want to shift all of their content to a new standard unless it's a. profitable or b. necessary.

@dragon:ONE: I have waited. I have a 1st gen model. I waited until the 3GS which wasn't compelling enough to sign up for another two years with AT&T. I was waiting for Verizon. Now I have wait to charge my phone twice a day just to wait 2 minutes for page loads on EDGE. I don't want to wait anymore. But I might just

Really I've only tried three times. I'll shelve it until after lunch. I'm actually kind of thrown by not being able to order a white one. If I knew when they would be available, I might just wait. Although I imagine I could just buy the glass later on.

@axiomatic: I give it about one year before you eat those words.

@Spoony: Because it's an open standard. Or at least it intends to be. I don't believe (correct me if I'm wrong) there are any open video chat standards yet. FaceTime has applied for open adoption.

@Lyrandian: I agree, it's beautiful work. I used to spend a lot of time setting all this kind of stuff up but then I realized I was spending more time "setting up" my computer that actually using it.