Phil Not Phil

The characters in Sing are also supposed to be good at what they do. The Muppets are so great because they are all objectively terrible at what they do, with the possible exception of the Electric Mayhem, but have confidence and enthusiasm in spades.

why do his nostrils terminate a quarter-inch in?? How does he breathe??

I have not even heard the pig’s voice and its mere design inspires a cold, furious loathing. Bland and smooth meat, the very picture of a hormone-pumped swine. A butcher, when presented with such a pig, would only have to scoop away the bloodless cuts with a spoon. And the music producer would laugh at the

I have rarely hated a trailer as much as I hate the trailer for “Sing 2.”

The show very conveniently elides Ted’s sociopolitical beliefs, despite his being a cis white sports team coach from the south, leaving me to headcanon his stance on a plethora of issues. This is all to say I’m sure he stopped going to Starbucks over the red cups.

A Big Pillar Of Light? Without a Floating Trash Ring? Blasphemy!

It also isn’t really a hedge!

It makes me think of the (non-finale) runaway-train scene from Spider-Man 2, which is clearly full of CGI, but much more wisely used.  I totally recognize how I was being manipulated in the end, too, with the passengers taking care of Spidey, but I fall for it every time.  Let’s have more of that.

Of course it does, just look at the picture of the fight on some freeway that appears in this very review. It looks more like a video game cut scene than a movie.

Kevin Fiege isn’t gonna fuck you bro.

Almost like it’s relevant or something...

If the movie is reviving old favourites from the 2000s, it should definitely bring back fan favourite Big Pillar Of Light In The Sky for a cameo.

maybe they were filming in Vancouver and he just showed up.

Exactly, the way they just immediately forgot about the dead guy was astonishing. Adira even said after they landed safely “I’m glad I came!” Followed by Michael and Tilly giggling about the whole misadventure in Tilly’s room after.

Someone pen a memo to Star Fleet stat: 

I gotta say: Nominating yourself as the person (one of the people, OK, but) empowered to keep a galactic alliance accountable between members is a 5-D political chess masterstroke we haven’t seen since Dick Cheney’s Vice Presidential Search Squad delivered Dick Cheney as its first choice.

its possible that Ken doesn’t want himself introduced as the Host until he is formally blessed by the college of cardinals and formally installed on Christmas Eve

I mean, I know billing is a huge thing in show business and whether you’re “starring” or “featuring” or a “with” or “and” is very much deliberate and contractually determined, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this is something similar.

That is another of the mundane possibilities. Although it seems weird to communicate contractual minutiae as part of the intro, but we are talking about the entertainment industry.

I hope they give the job to Adam McKay so the AV Club never has to report on anything else ever again.