Phil Not Phil

It's called "pulling a Lovato".

Google "Tokata Iron Eyes." Ezra Miller would burn in hell if it was real.

“Hating Obi-Wan" was what you got out of their pivotal exchanges in the last couple of episodes? Where they talk about freedom from the Dark Side and fear and hate, and how Reva can decide her own fate?

Reva made a lot more sense after the reveal, and the acting changed to match. She was handicapped by having to play the underwritten “person hamming up their villainy” for like four hours.

Okay, fine, but what the fuck is the deal with those sunglasses, Robert Evans?

I'm indifferent to the costume, but Jameela Jamil is annoying as shit, a bad actress and a weird compulsive liar too.

Who the hell is that schlub? He looks like an unfinished create-a-player in Brooklyn: The Video Game.

AAVE is real. Hip hop is real. Not stereotypes. This isn’t about Stepin Fetchit routines.

Anything that gets us less Awkwafina.

How in the fuck is this all one sentence:

“a brilliant cast that includes Tiffany Haddish”

Major League Soccer.

Oh thank God. Tilly is the worst character on this show by a mile. Even Adira and Gray are more interesting and watchable at this point.

Dude, just shave it. That little tiny hair on that weird head makes him look anencephalic.

It does for Tiffany Haddish.

I try not to judge people by their faces, but Adam McKay just *looks* like a smug asshole.

You know most people never read a book.

Peyton Reed is fine, but Edgar Wright is quite a lot overrated.

Dennis Perkins has figured out that even if we are reading for the cringe value, by God we're still reading.

Normally I don’t think this kind of disingenuous nonsense is necessary to reply to, but all you’re saying is you haven’t heard of somebody who literally won a fucking Peabody for comedy.