Phil Not Phil

Yet another case in point:

The Venn diagram of AMAB folks who love WB for supporting Miller after dozens of felonies and hate WB for saying it’s bad to threaten to murder Rowling is a circle.

Agreed. Mental illness does not excuse or justify bad behavior (unless you're legitimately not in control of your actions/experiencing delusions). 

Why does thsi person get so many chances?

If I was arrested three times in a year, I would be fired.

It would be fun if, after a complete detox and new attitude to life, they went “Ahhh just call me he/him, I was off my face at the time”.

“How about my foot up yer non-binary ass?!”

Interesting because he went on a wild fitness health kick and ripped himself into shape but it did end up making him look less fresh, somehow. I still enjoy his films and when he pops up in stuff like MI, he is often the only light touch in the franchise. 

I watched the series today and by the end I couldn’t believe anyone inclined to watch a superhero series could possibly dislike it. The writing was solid and every actor was beyond charming. While making fundamental (and necessary) changes, it captured the essence of what made the comics great.

Oh great, now the Woody Allen stan is gonna preach to us.

This is so hilariously inaccurate when you know the actual origins of the term “woke”

The same fans that were proud of ST being inclusive had fits when ST actually started doing it, putting women and LGBT+ in the forefront in Discovery. Apparently, they like the notion of inclusiveness, but only when they are background characters.

It’s a good thing you get to pick who are the good ones.

Even his name sounds like “ugh...yeah nah...”

Simon Pegg has been so incredibly dull and tired-looking for years now.

Funny how he’s involved in the part of Trek fandom that attracts the most toxic hate from fans (because yes the fandom can be toxic).

Plus, the whole household shares that subscription. Everyone has to buy their own ticket to see a movie in the theater.

Okay, but that $9.47 movie ticket offers two hours of entertainment. A $15 streaming subscription offers as many hours of entertainment as you want.

Oh my god fuck these guys.

Has Kilborn been forgotten that much?