Phil Not Phil

He’s a classic Champagne socialist, with zero self-awareness and lots of misogyny. He railed obsessively against bIg bAnKs but seems oblivious to the fact that EVERY one of his projects has been bankrolled by a bank or something worse. I completely believe that you can be successful and well off and want more

Feels worth noting that a couple weeks before this story became A Thing, somebody asked Will Ferrell the same question McKay got about why the two of them split up. Ferrell gave the essentially drama-free answer that he quit their production company because he wanted to smaller workload.

Obviously he expected his movie to solve the media problem, right before it solved the climate problem.

I’m so sick of this guy and his blackpill comedy.

Judging from the film’s reviews because the break up is much more entertaining.

I’m a little mystified about his movie, which apparently satirizes how the media will ignore a big problem in favor of petty bullshit, having been ignored by the media in favor of petty bullshit, is somehow confusing him.

“McKay Awarded all Six Nobel Prizes for Successfully Averting Climate Disaster”

The fact that he felt the need to make a movie haranguing people into paying more attention to climate change is about as self-involved as it gets.

Cass Elliot’s, anyway.

Because he made a pedantic, self important piece of crap movie?  

Jeez, the polar icecaps are melting and you’re over here talking about sandwiches! C’mon!

“Increasingly Severe Hurricanes Blow Slightly Harder Than Adam McKay.”

Please, no more Adam McKay.

What a fucking blowhard

A new story about celebrity gossip is news. What’s the headline he wants, “Climate Change Still Happening”?

“I agree with you, but you’re an asshole” pretty much sums up the last 5-10 years for me.

Nice, one more Adam McKay article and I get a free sandwich.

I don’t know. Probably because the only movies of McKay’s that are good and worth remembering are with Will Ferrell? Who wants another self-righteous polemic that spells out its message in the most literal terms possible?

It’s really weird that suddenly this week the Internet has decided to take Barbara Walters to task. Here it’s with Brooke Shields. On boingboing it’s with Dolly Parton. It’s safe to say that Barbara Walters’ shtick has not aged well. I get that. But why suddenly bring it up now?