Phil Not Phil

I don’t know if Jennifer Lawrence can pull off Holmes’ “someone else is driving” look.

This article doesn’t even say the whole story: McKay didn’t tell Ferrell he didn’t get the part; Riley had to go tell him himself!

This was my thought exactly, like “To be fair you’ve hurt me before and I never said anything about it.”

I think an important part of this is that McKay didn’t tell Ferrell at all about the Lakers role switch. It was John C. Reilly that called Ferrell to check in with him about it and then had to break the news to Ferrell that he got fired from a role and Reilly was his replacement! That’s pretty fucked up. McKay clearly

There both jerks but that’s life.  I think McKay comes off as holier than thou in this mess.  Life is short enough as it is and how hard would it have been to sit down with Will & John either together or separate?  And they broke up the company before all this happened.  But people make choices.  I will never be

Vice was the first movie I walked out from in 15 years. It was like a junior high debate team put on a pageant for the midterms. I couldn’t believe people were treating it as a serious film with anything worth saying.

I really wanted to love vice, but vice was such an insufferably smug movie. 

You know how people said that Donald Trump was a poor person’s idea of a rich person? Adam McKay’s movies are a stupid person’s idea of smart movies.

Comedian Mike Birbiglia has a great bit where the punchline he keeps coming back to is: “And what I should have said was...nothing.”

Sure but don’t make your longtime collaborator and supposed friend find that out from a press release. 

Then when he calls to patch things up, the does so by telling Ferrell that he, McKay, is the real aggrieved party here.”

And now he’s taking a private conflict public to try to position himself as the wronged party.

Just via his movies, it had appeared to me that McKay had crawled up his own ass and bought into his own bullshit as a creator. Apparently he’s done that as a person too. I’m sure Ferrell’s not the greatest guy in the world, but wow does McKay sound like the absolute worst.

Will Ferrell has been known to be a dick to people so I normally would not be 100% on his side.. But like Jesus McKay. Dude is your friend and really wants a role and he has to find out from media that you hired his other best friend? Come on, thats not “business stuff” and you have to be a psycho to not realize why

I read the whole thing and McKay comes off as kind of a phony, self absorbed, jerk well before that. Even in the first few paragraphs. The author of the piece is also fairly insufferable.

Yeah, nothing mends fences like informing people that they aren’t entitled to feel hurt by your actions, for the following reasons...

“...and I reminded him of some slights that were thrown my way that were never apologized for.”

Well, now we know who the asshole actually was

Please tell me - why the fuck was he even there with a rifle? (please don’t think I actually want you to come back with some asinine gaslighting comment. We ALL know why he was there)

Rittenhouse did not bring a gun across state lines.”

Ultimately, he had zero business being in Kenosha that night. So cut out the concern trolling bullshit