Phil Not Phil

I was really sad that the pandemic essentially killed any hope for On Becoming a God in Central Florida because, despite it’s terrible title, that show was awesome. And Dunst was incredible in it. It was so funny and unique.


Or Johnny Paycheck.

as a fan of this guy on twitter i have to say i think his thing only really works in standup or on twitter.

Having worked many minimum wage food service and service industry jobs alongside jackasses who walked out mid-shift, well, my respect for him dropped a lot from that headline. Such a shitty thing to do to your coworkers. Yes, I’m all for fighting the power and workers’ rights movements, and very much into the current

He quit his pizza shop job because he was hungry while working and couldn’t figure out the age old trick of “mess up an order and you get to eat it?

So quitting a minimum wage job mid-shift is the best headline you could pull out of the interview? Doesn’t really scream “read me” since that pretty much explains everyone I knew in high school. Or Mary Steenburgen in Melvin and Howard.

This will come as quite a shock, I know, but this article is not very well written. What is not clear here, but very clear on the People interview, is that Josh showed up with beer and wanted to watch NASCAR, not Kal. He actually mentions that he didn’t think it was a good sign at first.


I don't think the guy who wrote "Ellie Kemper finally releases statement on Veiled Prophet Ball controversy" is really in a position to pass judgement on paparazzi.

The two also apparently snapped at a reporter who “stuttered Hutchins’ name” (as Deadline puts it), prompting them to say that the press “should know her name” if they’re going to be waiting around for Baldwin.

Parks and Rec ultimately made very little impression on me, apparently, because I have zero memory of this recurring joke.

I think they’ve avoided making Mariner a Poochie. She seemed like that’s what she was going to be early on, but the show has done enough exploration of her flaws (that she’s been stuck as an ensign for far longer than the average Starfleet officer, she’s very competent but constitutionally allergic to responsibility,

Agreed, I thought they did some solid course correction with her in season 2 in tearing down that no she’s not some Kirk style maverick boss but someone who is rather flawed, and does not in anyway entirely have her shit together. Hell they literally say most of that word for word in the finale, and it even almost

Wow, Hulk Hogan visited you?

I thought they toned down Mariner quite a lot between seasons 1 and 2, actually, though that might just be function of the show focusing on her less.

I understand why Prodigy - which is specifically for kids - would have an obnoxious Poochie—type for its main character. Kids shows go really big.

Dal will likely develop into a more reasonable, less aggressively Poochie-esque figure with time.

Ragnarok, yeah, but I didn’t see anything particularly specific about the direction of Black Panther.