Phil Not Phil

Fuck. Late period Dave was often toothless, but every now and then he would bust something so savage like this out. 

It kind of is but it’s an older generation, old media version of meme. Like Howard Stern or comedians that age used to mock or reference it a lot.

How is Ringo warning you with peace & love not a meme already?

Agreed. I left the episode thinking the “living funeral” thing was something that would fit with Marty Funkhouser, as would the COVID hoarding. I wish they would, at the very least, address his passing in an episode. Have they even dedicated an episode to his memory yet?

The ‘COVID hoarding’ was perfectly capped by Brooks’ ‘I just bought this place, it used to be a CVS’

“Extraordinary Susan! indefatigable Susan!” was the funniest bit from last season.

Honestly if you saw her or Pattinson in those movies, you would assume they would never act in a movie again.  They are terrible(their acting and the movies in general).  But its clear that they took the money and clout from them and actually became good actors. 

She’s fucking brilliant and, yeah, electrifying. Personal Shopper is her best performance – and her best film, one of the most quietly terrifying ghost stories ever put on screen. But its power depends a lot on her portrayal of that character, and the mixture of fear and longing and uncertainty that she transmits at

I’ve never seen the Twilight pix— but K Stewart is absolutely riveting as an actor. She’s got that kinetic energy that leaps from her body thru the screen. She acts with her whole body with a twitchy electricity; it reminds me of Diane Keaton, actually. Always interested to see what she’s doing next. Also— Happiest

Surprised there is no mention of Albert Brooks stepping into the show now that Funkhouser, his real life brother, has passed.

The time away from Kate, spent by people mostly trying to do genuine impressions, are going to make it tougher when she comes back, dresses as an interchangeable old man again, grunts and makes a face into the camera, and gets a standing ovation. Kate is very talented, but when they don’t use her talents in the right

She also got into a habit of her impressions, typically political impressions, being exactly the same regardless of who she was playing. Very one note. The only difference was the makeup/clothes she was wearing. And like you and others in the thread are saying, she was basically given free range to appear in whatever

led to some smirky skepticism about “mix-and-match” medications. It’s not a shitty joke because it’s lazy, it’s a shitty (and irresponsible) joke because it’s based on a hacky premise.

Also feeling old as a big Newhart fan - the recent episode of Ghosts had a plot point revolving around the 30-something leads being too young to have ever heard of Newhart

I think after so many conservatives said they identify with the Rebels, thus missing the whole point, Lucas just wanted to make sure nobody would depict the Jedi or the Republic in a completely positive light in movies where about their less positive nature. He worked closely with Dave Filoni on The Clone Wars and it

A healthy amount

Lucas’ dialog has brought many masterful actors low. Looking forward to how Christensen’s appearances will go with directors and writers more adept at depicting human interactions.

His work with with Julia Duffy on Newhart was fantastic.

It was basically a modernized version of ‘Some Like it Hot’ and yes, it was quite funny.

Really loved him in Newhart, this news makes me sad.