Phil Not Phil

One of the things I don’t see getting mentioned about these critiques of Chappelle is that Dave Chappelle actually SUPPORTED these exact forms of popular pressure on corporations in Unforgiven and Redemption Song. In Unforgiven, he literally told Netflix to remove his own work from the service because to have it there

If you don’t understand it, maybe educate yourself before having a comedy special where you repeat a lot of bigoted talking points. 

I always love the “I’m a progressive and I’m totally fine with the [insert bigotry here] so obviously it’s the marginalized people speaking out against their own oppression who are wrong.” This time with an extra dash of “anyone who disagrees is the thought police’ for the bingo card.

There’s no hive mind when there are over 100 anti trans so far this year. And the idea that people should speak out against transphobia (again 100 anti trans bills) but not too much is frankly, weird. If Netflix hadn’t doubled downon it’s own hypocrisy, this would have all blown over. 

Just because I don’t understand transgenderism doesn’t mean that I hate them”

Chappelle’s special, taken as a whole and in context”

Hey Ted Sarandos! Just a quick note to let you know that I would prefer if you didn’t drag my name into your mess. Now I have to deal with even more of the hate and anger that Dave Chappelle’s fans like to unleash on me every time Dave gets 20 million dollars to process his emotionally stunted partial world view.

Telling me that my opinion doesn’t matter while vomiting yours all over the same comment section is pretty rich.

Oh, I thought it would be “best” that keeps him out of consideration, not “comedy album”.

Weird how an introspective album released during the pandemic with more than a few swipes at the legitimacy of late stage capitalism and the rich isn’t a critical darling among the types who make these decisions

what’s with these theater kids...where they do not have the best attitudes/personalities?”

With Rossum being 13 years older than Kenney though, that elder sibling dynamic was intensified on and off screen.”

maybe like when a drunk says to you “oh just have a drink” sorta thing or someone who shows up to work hungover and says “you need to party more”

Growing up I took note of—not just from her in particular—things I want to carry on my life and things I don’t want to carry on

I’m curious what the “not the best advice” she gave her was.”

Star notifications can stay gone.

when the comments on the article top 60 or 70 I just stop replying to people’s responses. site admin has been a joke for a long time here

I’m pretty sure it’s on purpose. The whole Kinja model is presumably insufficiently monetizable and they are giving up on it, although losing it will eviscerate the AV Club and sister sites so I assume they are doomed as well? I certainly hope that’s not the case, but ...

Disappointed to see Vince Vaughn back. I did not enjoy his character last season. 

I’m honestly kind of disappointed. I was hoping for something that would make it sound like you’re literally crapping out the song, rather than just random fart noises that happen when you play. It’d have been a lot funnier if you could recognize, say, Coldplay in the key of fart.