Phil Not Phil

it’s pretty clearly laid out and explained, by her.

Because there’s a huge difference between being fancast as a character who hadn’t been played in a life action medium, and replacing an actress who was fired for her online behavior during a particularly politically charged time.

He told her not to direct an actor to do someting opposite of what he intended, and she said this is my show motherfucker.. yup both abusive.

Meh, it’s a little known secret that in TV, directors are in charge of jack and shit.

The Endgame stones are all from the same timeline. Bruce Banner made a deal with The Ancient One to return the stones to their locations, in order to preserve the timeline.

Yup. They never said that they don’t work outside the TVA, only that they don’t work in the TVA.  Once again Barsanti is totally off in his recollection / grasping what he’s seeing on screen.

Enh, in both instances you’ve got a first film that’s a straightforward horror movie where a woman is stalked by a monster but with a sci-fi twist, then seven years later James Cameron directs a more action-oriented sequel where the lead in the first movie is now a badass instead of just a survivor.

but Luna did say “faces.” That means more than on face,
it could be Rod Stewart & Ronnie Woods, it could mean Man-E-Faces, it could mean Templeton Peck...

Dave Filoni be like

The actress that plays 355 is just not convincing and the writing in this show is just really, really mediocre.  I think I may just be hate watching at this point.

My old buddy Jeff who I saw all the special editions with in the theater? That guy rocks! Can't wait to see him again.

Lorne has high hopes for 2024

Oh I have nothing against this guy. I am just sick of Trump impressions. I keep hoping I can go an hour without someone reminding me of him.

In what sense? Alec Baldwin is terrible as Trump. He sounds nothing like Trump.

yeah I got a Kyle Mooney vibe from what was posted. I’m mixed on that prospect.

Beck Bennett leaving is a huge problem for SNL because he's the best straight man that they've got. Like he's a super underrated member of the team. As long as Kyle Mooney stays then that's all that matters. As soon as he leaves then there's shoot no reason to continue watching SNL.

So far I agree the pilot missed some opportunities, but I wouldn’t expect a kid to be pre-occupied with these matters at all times, so some of what they are brushing over is fine.

This is particularly disappointing because when this was first announced I thought it was actually a brilliant idea to do another Wonder Years series focused on a black family very specifically because I thought it would undercut some of the saccharine nostalgia that people have for that era. It feels like such a

Funnily enough with reference to the theme song, one of the things the film does that is very interesting to show that Tony really isn’t “The Chosen One”. It’s clear that there’s no expectation that “The son of Johnny Boy Soprano” is the heir apparent to the DiMeo family (ditto with Junior). He’s not in line for it,

“This film was directed by the director of one of the MCU films!”