Phil Not Phil

Every single time she said “yes” or “correct” it was with a big dash of amazed joy. It was grating as hell.

This sounds absolutely tooth-rotting.

This is a civil suit, so it's liability, not guilt.

I’m not a dog, I don’t need my ears scratched every time I watch a fucking sitcom. I’d rather it just be funny even if that means not being “life-affirming” and “important”  and “exactly what we need right now.”

I saw him at a convention one time, and it seemed like he maybe didn't 100% want to be there! GASP!

She giggled at most of the responses, no matter what they were.

They already announced her first gig, a new college championship of some kind for ABC primetime, so it's possible they have a contract for more frequent specials. I think the GOAT tournament scored pretty well in the ratings.

FX on Hulu? So it’s not actually on FX or FXX, which I already pay for? Piracy wins again.

Oh whoops, it turns out you don’t have to “check with” anybody to be vaguely inspired by their life story!

This show is 10 spoons of sugar in one cup of coffee, and just about as sickening.

I would be fine not hearing anything about Anthony Bourdain for years, honestly. I don't really understand the cult of personality around him.

Yeah, those 16 months WERE pretty fucked up—to the point where if you came out of them still obsessing about the MCU, you probably did just fine. Come on now, we're talking about the same soulless money making bullshit from 2019.

Really? I think the idea of casting Jeremy Renner as somebody good or likable is far more preposterous.

The only intricate planning in the MCU involves how to get people to see the exact same movie twice a year for over a decade. And I say that as somebody who has seen most of them.

Oh my goodness, not 16 whole months to see the 24th film in this series, during which you only had 3 new TV shows to tide you over.

Man, fuck golf.

The idea that the AV Club is now a bunch of people defending golf is far more horrifying than any potential “over-woke” nonsense.

Fuck golf, fuck golfers, and fuck golf culture. It's not just boring and wasteful, it's intricately tied into capitalist power structures.

Soccer might occasionally draw better TV ratings; it doesn't come within 18 miles of making as much revenue as baseball in the US.

He should have just gotten lawyers and agents who would get him a timeslot lock in his contract.