Phil Not Phil

You think Dennis Perkins just enjoys Amber Ruffin that much? On a regularly scheduled basis, without any of the usual accoutrements of TV recaps and reviews around here?

These are paid placements. Her production pays for these little hype pieces.

Listening to Colbert tell those clunkers to no one was painful and very exposing. I almost felt bad for him.

Cooper wouldn’t have to leave CNN, maybe take the occasional nightly leave. Jeopardy shoots 5 episodes on two days every two weeks.

Ken was so boring and his voice is weak. I don't think Mayim Bialik's constant suppression of joyous laughter is a selling point.

You’d think that late-night host, comedian, and all-around human joy-fountain Amber Ruffin wouldn’t have to pay for these articles to get written..."

There were plentiful screenshots. The fact that Teigen tweeted that stuff is not in any doubt.

No thanks, guys!!!

Wow, I've never heard that!!! Just kidding.

Pearl Jamband

Pete Davidson looks like a corpse that escaped the morgue halfway through embalming.

Mulaney hits all the buttons to have his drug problems treated with quiet respect by media and fans, that is, he's an educated, well-liked white guy.

I was starting to worry that y'all hadn't renewed this contract.

Aaron Rodgers is a good guy and I’m glad he got the chance, but there’s nothing you can say to help people who actually want him to be the permanent host of Jeopardy.

Ken was very boring and his voice is weak.

They probably spent years putting Kirk Douglas in the reel and then editing him out if needed.

It's the face. And that little tiny smile. Why the hell is his mouth so small?

I can’t believe Joy Reid still has any credibility.

Just a bit of misplaced sentimentality, like when the inarguably awful Michael Scott gets a fairytale sendoff to a life of romantic contentment that literally everyone in the office is happy to do for him.

Oh man, I knew somebody must have said this already. Schur’s stuff gets more and more cutesy, while his precious sitcom philosophy remains broken and out of step.