Ah, sorry, my bad misreading! Yes you're right. *Fistbump
Ah, sorry, my bad misreading! Yes you're right. *Fistbump
Youre forgetting all the Honda podiums and wins this season, and Dani Kvyat taking 3rd in Germany though...
Dani Kvyat was third in Germany though, so honestly not THAT long ago.
I do have fond memories of my aubergine ‘99 SL2. Slow as all hell, but frugal on the gas and always reliable. Until one of the pistons desired freedom. The new engine wasn't expensive though, and she kept on trucking!
So basically you can binge the fuck out of black licorice, as long as you finish it all within 2 weeks.
How great would it be if, on top of the conflict they’d feel just by the Steelers signing him, he does well and Pittsburgh starts winning. That would make their brain explode, I’m sure.
LOL exactly. Basically at any time there is a basic difference in phases of your life.
And don’t forget that they have a 13 year old son, so at the very least they met when he was 25 and she was 42.
What’s that? PAY OFF? Don’t talk about pay off. Are you kidding me? Pay off? I just hope we can win a game!
I especially like the “I can’t buy Greenland” vs. “we” or “the U.S.” ugh...
I know it doesn’t matter one iota, but isn’t this exactly what people accused Ilhan Omar of implying, the dual loyalty?
Any word on a “regular” A6 Avant? I’ve heard rumors about an A6 Allroad but I just want a normal wagon. No plastic cladding, no symbolic added ride height, just a normal wagon.
You didn’t listen to a word Eddie Glaude said, did you?
It has to be better than a blanket “they have a mental illness” statement though. There are tons of mental illnesses that don’t include tendencies towards violence.
Very small point in this racist wordsoup of his, but the Romans most definitely didn’t perish because of immigration or populations not assimilating. There are many many reasons why the roman empire eventually folded, but that was not one of them. The Roman empire endured for so long exactly because of its way of…
Dang... I’ve always though it was Zach Galafiniakis. Or however the fuck you spell that. LOL Even yesterday when my friend sent me the meme. Mind. Blown.
Hey now. let’s not equivocate the Dutch women’s achievement with that douch in the white house. That being said, I see what you did there. LOL
Yeah that would be amazing... I’d go trade mine in for a manual if that was an option! LOL
Hah they really do.