
I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

We've all just breathed a collective sigh of relief, Tony. By all means, stay away. There's no place for you here.

As someone who has never met you and lives in New York City, I support this decision.

Sortland had a blanket, a cell phone and a box of Wheat Thins with him.

False equivilency: Spiders are not humans. Not even close, not cognitively and not ethically. And you chose DNA extraction, one of the few things he mentioned for which a non-lethal alternative exists. But there are dozens of other tests for which non lethal alternatives do not exist. And you also ignore his point

A point that he makes in his article is that a scientist picking up a single specimen is no different from natural predation, so it really has no effect on the species as a whole, in fact if it did then the species would have no chance of survival in nature. Scientific study is the best way to preserve a species, if a

The Internet: Where "I do not agree with you" turns into "I will fucking murder your entire family".

Right, nobody cares....what planet do you live on?

I completely agree, however it's difficult to be proud of who you are when you're constantly being told that who you are is "broken" or "perverted" or otherwise "not normal". This is a huge step towards telling young people that being gay doesn't mean any of those things.

I respectfully disagree: pretty much nobody is forbidden to marry, or beat by a mob, or several other bad things gay people are subjected to, for having blue eyes, brown hair or being tall...

This is awesome news. I'm gay myself, I can see how Tim Cook has potential to be such a great role model for the LGBT community. Hopefully this will continue to pave the way to a future where we all have more respect for human dignity on the basis of human rights and equality. Go Timmy!

it should be as ridiculous as being proud to have blue eyes or being tall or something like that. Fortunately for those with blue eyes and thos who are tall, society is completely ok with those features, and the amount of discrimination based on those features is rather on the low side. Seen how that isn't yet the

That is almost impossibly cynical of you.

Didn't Tebow routinely go down on his knee and pray after scoring a touchdown? I don't recall him ever getting penalized for that...

"players are prohibited from engaging in any celebrations while on the ground." Isn't every celebration technically performed on the ground?

"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."

Under Kira's supervision, according to the source, pledges in the incoming class were called names, berated for their perceived physical flaws and imperfections, and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion.

Concern Troll: [reads about Sams release]

I think Michael Sam has a pretty good story and it has nothing to do with his being gay. It is amazing that he's alive, not on drugs, not in jail, or not homeless.