
Too many people say "white" when they mean "thr rich" and too many people say "men" when they mean "the rich".

Capitalism, i.e. money is what pushes people out of their homes. Not some monolithic hoard of "white people". As long as the landowners can squeeze more money out of tenants they are going to regardless of race.

Racism and gentrification hurts white people and poor people of color— it's bad all around. Middle or low income white people living in high-rent places like New York City have no choice but to move into traditionally black or Hispanic (or Asian) neighborhoods because while there is very little low-income housing,

It's certainly true that the sensitivity of these issues makes it difficult to have a calm discussion, but writing that "when whites flock to a black neighborhood, they are often the harbingers of doom" hardly encourages unemotional analysis. Your whole article seems to be present gentrifying white people as a

The conflation of race and gender (independently and in combination) with wealth has made a lot of topics difficult to talk about in the last few years.

It was bad when white people left the big cities. Now it's bad that white people are coming back.

Nobody should ever move anywhere ever.

ya just tried too hard man

Oh, for fuck's sake... Are you REALLY going to pull out some victim card because of someone's defense mechanisms they've cultivated due to being around a culture (football AND the US) that looks down on and torments gays? Wow. I imagine you as a white guy that also uses the phrase "reverse racism" because you're

Great job completely missing the point.

So what you're saying is you don't get it?

You're totally right; the way in which he has turned down most of his sponsorship opportunities, canceled the reality documentary after negative feedback, performed well in the preseason, and given one interview since being drafted by the Rams (in which he talked about how performing well in the preseason gave him

Hopefully 17 trillion. Beyonce is fucking terrible.

Then why didn't you come up with it earlier?

Of that, 250 pounds is balls.

You posted a mean comment about a guy who saved people who were going to burn to death. Think about that shit for a moment. I mean, well done. Your soul actually hit rock bottom in an internet comment section. That, no one's friend, is quite a feat.

You and everyone who starred your comment are human garbage.

Fair enough.

Relax man! I'm sure the NSA has all of your stuff backed up.