
Who cares if he is boring. Talk about his policies, you shallow twit.

First of all it’s de Tocqueville, not DeTorqueville, and he didn’t even come to American until about three decades after Hamilton was dead. The education system is the travesty.

Really? Progressives should be ashamed for not matching teabaggers in time spent passively in front of a tv screen? Then you go on about getting off our collective duffs. Watching tv is usually done on one’s duff. I spent the last six weeks volunteering full time campaigning for Bernie Sanders in SC. Oh, if only I had

Don't insult Jerry Goldsmith.

By inference, is he admitting to the other 48?

It’s amazing how she never changes.

Now I understand why Ashley Madison was so popular.

There have been four in my adult life. I’m very fucking old.

I am certain that your support for this man will take away some of the sting of his daughter’s death.

Yes. Catholic authorities used hair cutting to punish and control the Magdelene Sisters.

It's very anti-climactic. I went last year. The drive up is miserable. Multi-million dollar homes on the side of crumbling Third World roads so narrow it's nearly impossible for two cars to negotiate it. And when you get there, it's just a sign. I regretted wasting the time.

Which Christian has been denied any basic civil right in this country for their religion? What states do not allow Christians to marry? Where can you be fired for being Christian? How many kids commit suicide because they are humiliated for being Christian? How often are kids thrown out of their homes because they

That was my first thought.

These barbarians should never get out of prison.

Experience first hand and appreciate are not the same thing. Can you not appreciate a ball game by watching it on tv, or must you experience it first hand? You're an idiot.

"but not having grown up in that racist climate, it's nearly impossible for me to appreciate the magnitude of his accomplishment."

In New York, at least, the only place I am really familiar with, gentrification usually begins with artists and young people and gay people who can't afford affluent neighborhoods, or sometimes just want a more diverse neighborhood. This attracts more upscale restaurants and shops and then slightly more affluent,

The headline is "Here's What Happens When White People Move Into Your Neighborhood." Nothing about wealth.

Canada has a much smaller black population for whites to flee from, and a far smaller percentage of those blacks are descended from slaves or heir to the horrors of Jim Crow. Slaves in the US escaped to Canada because of the freedom it offered. While Canada may have its own ethnic issues, the situations are not really