
Your comment is noted. But the rest of us love it and Broadway as a whole continues to be amazing. We will now ignore you.

I am 92% positive these are the same person.

Yeah, that’s basically her “get out of jail free card” if she gets backed into a corner with her argument. “Despite everything I said, the book needs to be put into context.” It’s a lazy trick used in debating. It’s her responsibility to provide that context and make the case why her argument still stands, not that of

That’s my point. We know that. Most works from that time period have that baked into their DNA. So we should ditch everything from that period and forget it was ever written?

I am not one who usually complains about being overly PC, because that charge is usually thrown out by conservatives and libertarians to shut down criticism of their own wacky ideas rather than engage in a discussion. But in this case you are being overly PC. Much of 19th and early 20th century literature is saturated

“Reminder: Rudyard Kipling Was a Racist Fuck and The Jungle Book Is Imperialist Garbage.”

It’s pretty fucking rich that people are cool with consuming and confronting slavery in the form of entertainment while gasping at the horror of it all, but refuse to budge when it comes to things like criminal justice reform, income inequality, etc., and acknowledging the lingering effects of a country built on the

Am I old? Who are these people?

And they still remain funny to this day.

Smart people just sleep in for that hour, and say “Oops oh yeah daylight savings” when they show up late.

Fuck you, pal- it’s ass-hats like you that steal that sweet and precious hour from me in spring, and make me want to bathe in the blood of those cocksucking (and not in The good way) misanthropes that think it’s a great idea.

Hey, what about skinny people who just eat terribly? We matter too.

I am sure the great science and math teachers at the school are treated the same way when their students beat up another fellow student for not eating pie on March 14th.

So does Venus lose her status as a planet now or what?

Let different sports be different. I love a raucous crowd, but I much prefer quiet to tinny arena-manufactured noise. You used to be able to cheer at an NBA game but now what’s the point? Arenas play instrumentals while the ball is in play, then the PA really goes ballistic when it’s not. All I can do is sit back and

Being loud during points just isn’t a part of tennis tradition. Its like being quiet during a golfer’s drives or putts. British sports are supposed to be quiet. In reality its very hard to hear line judges when the crowd is being loud. Being able to hear a line judge can determine who wins a point.

It was written by John Newton, a former slave ship captain who later became a priest. He inspired William Wilberforce, a British politician, to devote his life to abolitionism. Wilberforce devoted the later years of his life to the cause, and with his help slavery was eventually outlawed by Britain a few days before

They had no other economic means?!!! Well why didn’t they just say so. I’ll stop pursuing higher education and go slap the chains back on right now. I speak for all brown people in saying we didn’t know, and are really sorry for the whole Civil Rights thing. We did not mean to mess up their money.

This is prevarication, at best. Whilst it’s true that the Union had many explicitly racist laws on the books, was populated largely by racists, and had(has) a long way to go toward anything like actual equality, the cornerstone of the Confederacy was the idea that black people were naturally inferior to whites and

It does, however, symbolize treason. Also, as a Southerner, it sickens me that people excuse racism by calling it “Southern pride”. We have much better things to be proud about. We have the best food and music in America!