
Just twelve more games and fifteen more years before they let Zac Taylor go!

It’s a ceremonial rank only. He can’t marry people.

“It’s so easy for us to blame and shame because everyone has a voice now...Even that guy whose voice box Burfict crushed has Twitter!”

This was a long time coming. Humphrey comes from a long line of field goal net makers.

After being spurned by Trout, I’m hoping the Phillies take a good long look at signing Betts.

This is also the perfect place to post your Fantasy Football teams! Sci-Fi, Surrealist, Fauvist, and Dadaist teams are also welcome.

Most car buyers are lame and boring and only want a staid, practical Nissan “Rogue” or some other such snoozebox

Maybe so, but those overhangs are a crime against humanity 😂😂😂


That’s Mission-style burrito rice foot!

Meanwhile, MUSMNTGA hats aren’t exactly flying off the shelves...

“I don’t see anything wrong here.”—Pete Carroll

These are always a cleansing salve.

Wow. That’s just petty af

With few exceptions, every Mahomes game should be 5 Throwgasms.

I give you...Broden Spunk.

FYI...The Eagles fan in the TNF promo is a real Eagles fan. She regularly calls into WIP.

Wet Bag
Wet Big
Big Wet
Burger Kings