
I’d get that mole on his neck checked out before shipping off.

Oh, those setbacks were totes forseen.

Deadspin Towers are in New York City...

There was a sense throughout the debate that Harris was trying to have it both ways in terms of establishment/insurgent, and when you take the middle ground, it’s hard to come off strong in your convictions and positions. The debate was also built up as “round two” between her and Biden, and Biden’s team did a good

It would have been worth it for Gravel to say “Go easy on me, kid!” to Sanders, who is, after all, just a kid to him.

I think Hickenlooper was overall the worst performer. When he was (rarely) called on to speak, he had trouble speaking Every. Single. Time. Even his opening and closing statements were confusing rambling messes, and those are supposed to be easy! Best stick to the brewpubbin’, Loops.

When was the last time NYC actually liked their mayor?

Bennet - the Novocaine Candidate

Gillibrand certainly hasn’t helped her case by using Radiohead’s “How to Disappear Completely” as her campaign theme.

Clearly a coded message to the

Throw a couple capital letters in the middle of those words and it’s pretty close to Calvin’s chicken scratch.

For both of these debates I’ve marveled that some of these people have been elected to some of the highest positions in the land, but then I remember that HDTV and harsh lighting is rarely flattering and that the current TV debate format remains a fundamentally odd presentation, full of word and number stumbles,

Honorable Klingons often speak of the Duras family playing the game Da qA di nol weH. 

I’m only a little younger than you, but still caught the original run in its prime. It’s one of those shows, like the first ten seasons of The Simpsons, I can always hop into and watch at any time, and always will.

SCIAMBI: The ultimate choice is an election, and this should be the party that stands for universal health care and says we’re not going to accept anything less. Right now, in America, so many people don’t have the health care they need. That is a fact. Tens of millions of people, including middle class people. 

Shit Can Cooter

AVIS—We Give Up Sooner

It’s no Miracle Crimes, but I figure Absolute Scenes would make a decent 11 or 12 seed in the next NOTY tourney.

But where is Ivanka’s “ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT” jacket?

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