
The Walking Dead needs to hire this man for their show. I always enjoy his videos

My first was an Atari 800XL. I had it for about a year and a half before our house was robbed and it was destroyed. I loved that thing. I had the main unit and a 5 1/4 drive. Unlike the picture, I didn't have the cassette tape drive. My uncle had tape drives for his Commodore 64. I loved that computer as well.

I just was yelling at the stupid camerman to move the camera up! So frustrating.

I so need to quit. Ugh!


*gasp*...It's people. It's Peeeeeoopppppllllllle

That's funny and I usually don't like fart jokes

Save your back: Never put a wallet in your back pocket. Get a front-pocket wallet.

I've tried to do this 3x tonight and it says I don't have permission. It's my own replies. Oy vey.

That is a wicked remix of Pulp Fiction. Can't stop listening to it. Thanks for the link!!!!

Sorry. I should have elaborated instead of inferred.

Needle plural would be needles. Since Needle was a sword, my reference is accurate.

So an Iron love seat?

Yup...just like needles.

Danny Seim (Menomena drummer) birthday is in Feb. :)

Why do these spy planes look so heavy and fuel dependent? Can't they make a spy plane, packed with sensors that would be designed to be in the air for 10's of hours and have backup power generation through solar? Why does the Navy need a drone that is able to fire missiles? They have planes that do this.

If it were a meteorite, wouldn't the crater be much, much bigger?

Yea, but a direwolf would be the shiznat.

Love it.