
I think you're being really rude to the Somali National Hockey Team ....

No surprise the "famous instagrammers'" photos aren't that good at all. They probably went with accounts with tons of followers, like Netflix did in their contest. Popular doesn't always equate to talented.

"Famous Instagrammers" ::loads .357, inserts in mouth, dead:: ::ghost published this::

Exactly. But these people are inundated to believe the government is evil. The government simultaneously is too inept to do anything properly, but at the same time so evil, massive, and diabolical that they're behind these giant conspiracies that somehow, inexplicably, screw the "common working man". It's an extremely realize this is an article about how a private company is selling military grade tech, and screwing the government, right? That your completely tone-deaf, and quite frankly, moronic, statement is unabashedly wrong on multiple levels? You get that, right? You have to be a troll.

Name the last CEO or board member of a private company that got thrown in jail for "fucking up".


I have had 6 huge multi-national corporations compromise my credit card information in the past couple years... you know who has my CC info and hasn't had it stolen?

Ummm, they're already in charge. Where have you been?

"They also get thrown in jail. "

Because private companies never fuck up, in any way whatsoever, right?

But i thought only guns worked?

It's articles like this which make me love Gizmodo so much. Great work !

The fire is Soyuz solid fuel motors firing just before it slams into the ground and tips onto its side.

I tried absinthe, but I hate anything that tastes remotely like licorice, but then again I'm also not going to go somewhere that charges $20 for a drink.

In Soviet Russia you don't hovercraft, hovercraft YOU!

I see 7 people. However, what I'm not seeing is a lifeguard. So,'s still a conspiracy. One of those people won't be making it home that evening.

The best quote I ever heard regarding this was

It amazes me the LACK of credit we are ever given.