It's called respect motherfucker. You can disagree with him all you want, but this man lost his son. The pro-gun peeps had their opportunity to speak. Let him have his own time to speak. Decorum is now a foreign world in our society. Very sad.
OMG! The peasants saw a picture that was meant for royalty only! What should I do fellow Dukes (Duchesses), Princes (Princesses), etc????
I bought their CD on iTunes, but you also can hear them on Spotify or do a search on Soundcloud.
On one of these Soundtrack shout outs, you should recommend Snakadaktal. They're a young band out of Australia. I absolutely love their debut EP.
Who says one can't self-squeeze?
I already have a small scratch on my new iPod touch. This makes me really sad. I was going to get a scratch protector when I bought the device, but they didn't have them in stock at the Apple store.
You're an ass, imagine that!
Not even to mention the wholly ILLEGAL, CONTINUOUS BLOCKADE of the Palestinians. It would be like your neighbor holding you hostage within your own house and then justify throwing Molotov cocktails at your house because you threw some rocks at their kitchen window.
History will make you look like a fool. That is all...
Trinity and Beyond
OK...cocksucker...ready to take back your stupid idiocy?
China, Fuck Yeah!
No...population control is their 1 child policy. Which, I agree with. This Earth is way too overpopulated right now.
^True in the 60's but not so much now. We have starving kids in USA, yet we continue to build drones. Your point?
I thought the exact same thing. So, China can't have anything beautiful that doesn't house sweatshops?
Keep on the wagon. Congratulations on staying clean!
I love how he went to the street and showed the firefighting take place. For his first effort, it's definitely an A+
I used to be a truck driver and I never saw any of that silly shitt. That's awful.