
Oregon is da bomb

Definitely must see. Thanks for the link.

Pales in comparison to how many Stalin killed. Yes, Lenin RUINED Russia, but Stalin was worse.

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When it comes to war...there is no better than 'Merica!

I like the last part of this article where it states that cyber-attacks can come from anywhere / anybody. Hijacking Websites / services sounds like something the Somali pirates would do. I can see it happening.

No. It was a surface ship. ARS 42.

Better than wearing the Dungarees I had to wear.

My ship (left in 93) was commissioned in '46.

There are states that you can't have toys that look like exact replicas of a gun.

Did you ever ask, "why"? Either you are purposefully not telling us the whole story, or you are too busy being ignorant.

Screw you. Seriously. I live in a downtown, urban area. This is not Soviet style housing. This is innovative and beautiful. There isn't enough space in this world for everyone to own a McMansion. Small spaces rock.

Buy this 1%, or else we'll take over the park again.

It's WND. Their "sources" are dubious at best and never verified.


A fire pit on the deck would help. Mosquitoes hate smoke.

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According to Jack-in-the-Box, it's ok. Bacon!

I was following what you were saying and, while not agreeing with you, understood your point, until you had to bring politics into it. Treyvon's case was POLITICIZED by the right. Who's to say that Treyvon was an Ayn Rand independent and Zimmerman's not a socialist? The case isn't about politics. It is about race,


I agree to a point. Flickr can right the ship. They just need to make it more social. You should see their "Flickr Ideas" group. Here are 1,000's of suggestions from users who are frustrated and have terrific ideas on how to make the site / tools better, yet are they listened to? If Flickr wants to be relevant