
I saw an interview on this from a while back with somebody involved with the prototypes. There are versions of the wall built that we do not see in the video. He said that the wall they were choosing (can’t remember if chosen or likely to choose) is a concrete bottom half, a fenced/polled top half and a round top that

Not states. Cities. Some run by liberals, some not. And it is across the board no feeding the homeless. Hepatitis outbreaks seems to be the reasoning behind it.

Clearly we need more guns in public. Or at least allowed to have a loaded weapon in the car.

Now playing

I have driven by that thing so many times, just went home from Ocean Shores last Wednesday, and never knew it was a park. Definitely going to stop by the next time I am in Washington. Thx for the info.

I wish they were smart enough not to write about it at all. The only way to get through this racism crap is to stop talking about it. Racists are going to be racist no matter how many earth muffins write about it. And I have no doubt that there are others, like me, that are tired of hearing about it everywhere they

Aww. Did my comment almost cause you to form your own thought? Rather than the headline doing that for you.

So when it is 1 vs 1 it is the guy’s fault for hunting drug dealers or the cop’s fault for not making him stop. But when it is 1 vs 17 it is the NRA’s fault and nobody else’s. Even when the cops visited the shooter thirty-nine times.

Umm. I don’t watch either of those shows. I don’t have cable and haven’t for years. Your premise as to why I said what I said is totally off. You should research the facts a bit more. I thought i was being obvious as to what i was talking about when I said “waiting on transcripts...” Seeing as you are so one

This is good stuff. So Buzzfeed needs Comey to testify that a document they have already found to be “salacious and unverified”, was of interest in an investigation where they wrongfully, and most likely illegally (waiting on transcripts from FISC to know for sure), used that information to obtain warrants against US

Yes I think obesity is a much bigger problem to deal with than some crack heads looking for their next fix. If they want to die, chalk it up to population control. Our future selves will be thankful. I don’t need the latest round of news to dictate what I think is more important, unlike some.

Because it’s Trump’s plan. I think it’s a TERRIFIC idea. People could stand some beans and rice in their lives. People will go and buy their junk food and such for a couple of weeks and live the high life on my dime. Then my wishes kick in, as a taxpayer, where they have to eat like I do on a day to day basis.

Then they can go get a job and support their needs themselves.

You are seriously living on another planet if you think that kind of stuff doesn’t happen all that much. There are people selling for fifty cents on the dollar all over the place.  

Same exact thing that has been beat to death over and over again. This could happen. This is going to happen. Evil ISPs. Bad administration. The world is going to end. Etc. Etc.

Billy must be bored. This whole we own the hardware, they own the software thing is getting old.

Please do not replace the radio at this time.”

Maybe in a Hyundai Veloster with that rear windshield, but any normal car built today has plenty of visibility for backing up. You are supposed to use your mirrors, not turn around in your seat.

Sorry for going off on a rant. Was in a bad’ish mood. And when I saw the same generic fallback to medical professional... as if that is supposed to mean something, it kinda flew all over me. You guys are like cops in that aspect. Last word, do as I say, superiority complex, and the like. When in fact you are just

At my age I have no problems with someone wanting to go into a hospital to pay for a product. The other day I was thinking about how much I would love an oxycodone just so I could sit down and relax for a few hours and enjoy the buzz. I truly don’t see any harm in that. It should be up to me, not someone else. It’s my

You do what you think is right. Rescues are the best route to go, and worth a mention. They are already trained, cut, not gonna chew up your stuff, priced cheap, and you know ahead of time how the dog is with other peeps and animals. I would go rescue farm or craigslist re-home before I went to a shelter for the first