
As someone who lives on a navigation cut through street, I completely understand the feelings the homeowners are having. Thanks for posting. It’s nice to see that I am not alone.

Hell Yeah! Bout’ time. Those money grubbing bastards need to pay.

He should have stopped at russian meddling. That part was hilarious. The rest... trying too hard.

I think this is quite refreshing to see. We need more unbiased news. We need more reporting of actual news. We need less censoring of what is and isn’t shown, in the news.

“Telecoms are currently scrambling to get some sort of law through Congress that will permanently enshrine ISPs’ ability to block or throttle content and offer paid prioritization (aka “fast lanes”).”

I don’t know if we have a winner. The FCC also authorized two of their competitors to launch their networks. OneWeb and someone else.

Geostationary vs low earth orbit.

Not too bad. 25-35ms.

Actually his generation did. Just not as much. What has changed is the population has nearly doubled, you are either dirt poor or filthy rich (exaggerated) , and parents think that their children should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

Now playing

Tiny drone. What an insult. It’s a racing or freestyle drone with some GPS. If ya got five minutes...

In a world where nobody ever talks about design decisions and screw-ups, I always find OnePlus a refreshing change. They always go above and beyond in explaining things. Whether it be a notch, lack of NFC, hacked payments, etc... they are the only ones that will sit down and talk it out.

Let the uninformed and uneducated know that gram-positive antibiotics aren’t really used in livestock. Gram-negative kills e-coli and such.

I’d love to get in on some human trials of this stuff. Sounds promising.

“In 2014, Cambridge Analytica acquired data for roughly 50 million Facebook users through a personality quiz app and reportedly used that data to create voter profiles. Facebook asked the data analytics firm to delete the data because it was collected in violation of Facebook’s policies, but recent media reports have

Poor Uber. They can’t catch a break.

An open mind? That is not allowed.

Fun Fact. Austria has more frequent mass shootings than the us. And their death toll from mass shootings is only one behind the US... sitting in at number twelve. This is per capita.

With that logic the World Wildlife Fund is also a terrorist organization.

“Other countries don’t have this problem, genius.” Do what? You need to get your facts straight.

I gotta be honest. About half way through that I was wishing Sheldon was at his white-board explaining things with a flow chart. Going to go back and read it again. Thanks for the breakdown.