
‘It’s Not a Fucking Accident’

Smoke signals < Sprint < Pony Express

its like holding gun companies accountable for school shootings.

Now playing

Ah yes, one of several “stupidly” steep hills in Los Angeles. Seen cars go up the peak of this hill stop and start sliding backwards hitting others behind them.

I have had bedbugs. It was almost five years ago now but it still haunts me. You have no idea how bad it can get. I’ve heard people with bedbug infestations say that they contemplated suicide because of it, and I can totally understand that.

All it takes is someone to come visit you, place a bag/backpack on the floor with a few ‘hitchhikers’...

*looks at the design*

Pruitt IS even rottener than we’ve been hearing! Not only was he living cheap in a lobbyist’s wife’s house, but the lobbyist happened to be a lobbyist for liquid natural gas.... Pruitt’s also on the hook for a lavish first-class trip to Morocco with all his staff on the taxpayer dollar.... and the reason he was in

Apple fans, please make a line to the left. Apple haters, to the right.

I would give you comment a thumbs up if I could!

There’s going to be a lot of finger pointing going on during this lawsuit.

No it just appears you are an obnoxious asshole that considers anyone that might draw different conclusions than you to be somehow dumber than you. Which speaks more about you than the person you are insulting.

It’s almost like all those stupid quizzes everyone goes nuts about WEREN’T built by kind souls looking to brighten your day by telling you how beautiful and loved you are but are, instead, data mining operations.

Careful Doctor. You know talk like that makes Jimmy Kimmel cry.

Yes. We get it. Everyone that didn’t want Hillary in The White House is a stupid rube, duped by the masterminds at Facebook and Putin. If only a bunch of 20 something bloggers had their way, we could be living in nirvana.

China is as reliant on the US economy as the US is on China’s. People talk about the amount of US debt China owns all the time as if China could unload it without causing harm to it’s own economy. In short, it can’t weaponize the debt without crippling it’s own economy by MASSIVELY increasing the value of the it’s

One of my fondest vacation memories ever is the drive out to Arecibo from San Juan with four petrified friends in the car during the late-90s. Back then I was spending several weekends each month doing SCCA & PCA events and that road to the observatory was a blast. Somewhere there is an 8mm tape from a video camera

We took responsibility of them when we claimed Peurto Rico as ours in 1898/1899. No one is expecting FEMA to be perfect. We’re expecting them to at least maintain a response during a crisis and be able to assist. What we don’t expect is for third parties to be able to provide faster and better support than a

Anyone who tells me that the world isn’t ruled by a race of intelligent reptilians needs to pull down their pants to prove they have no tail, or I’m not buying it.