
I have noticed that a lot of issues are coming from us. For instance in my area, Nashville burbs, most every dog is getting skin tags. Never in my life have I seen a dog with skin tags, and now nearly every one around here does. In Phoenix the dogs don’t have skin tags as much as they have ‘growths’.

Not kidding. Don’t sit there and talk about side effects while also telling me that he was in and out in less than a day. It’s obvious to me that he was in good enough shape for a dose of ‘feel good’.

Unfortunately security freezes make it massively more difficult to do things. It is easier to give a company like Credit Karma your data so you can monitor and get alerts for free. Odds are your credit card app already does this if you aren’t using CK already... I know I got a Capital One notification one day because

The same could be said for ‘in app purchases’.

Why not let the guy feel good for a few hours? What is so wrong with that? I say this as a guy who has spent a fair amount of time in hospitals and was never there to get pain pills.

Gotcha. I went back and re-read. Makes sense now.

That is entirely possible and I do agree that there is a ‘good side’ to the headline. Seeing as there is absolutely no reference or hint to that in the blog, I am going to assume click-bait. But click bait that serves a purpose, This Time.

The pee pee tape is going to be released? OR could be?

To be fair anything a commercial guy is going to use is going to practically fly itself. It doesn’t take a lot of skill to fly phantom.

They have twenty four in service and sixteen more by mid 2018. It seems like that was planned. And it looks like it is a lease deal. I did hear on a TWIT podcast a couple of weeks ago that they have ordered 80 planes. I can’t remember how it came up or if I even heard it correctly... it’s been a while.

I just stupidly asked el Goog for information on the suicide hotline. Friends are going to see the ads posted all around my screen on getting help for suicides now.

You could get that info easily. The average person driving a Tesla for the average number of miles will use the same amount of power to charge their car for the day as they did to have electricity in their home for 24 hours. In other words 15kw give or take. I am sure there are studies on the impact of the average

Lol. Do you even understand what those batteries are there for? Do you understand why it has absolutely nothing to do with how we run things here? And that the money they saved is not something we would save?

Lol. You have never been able to spend money any way you want. At least I haven’t. Usually twenty ish percent of my money is being redistributed to those that are too lazy to get off the couch.

By the time you pay for the deductible and your monthly fees, you might as well just get on swappa and buy a used phone. At least then you kinda know what you are getting. You can probably save some cheddar to boot. Or upgrade to the next model. etc.

There was more than the one investor. The one you are talking about donated the most. There is some doubt on that guy because what he says cannot be verified. But there is more than that that was donated. Ian Telfer, I think it was, donated right before and after the deal went through. There is also the reset button.

Thx. Now I see. The op was talking page. The old man was talking papadopoulos.

And then they hand you a refurb.

Got me. I see summer of 2016. I see after he left Trump’s campaign. And I see on CNN saying months ago that Comey and other officials said the memo was used to get the warrant on Page. I assume that is where you are going with this.

Lol. You are going to use a quote from this opinion piece and not the memo? I am pretty sure that the Deputy Director of the FBI said that without that dossier, they wouldn’t have gone for the warrant. You know... the one that conveniently took vacation time the other day until he retires.