
One could say they lied because they failed to enter in pertinent info about where the dossier came from in order to get the warrant. But I am not going to mince words on that. I’d rather just say they purposely left out the info. Considering a FISA warrant is at least sixty pages I find it hard to believe they didn’t

Yes. Non-disclosure of information to the FISA courts. Continually using information from a dossier that was found to be false and uncorroborated to get warrants from FISA. Continually using a blog post from Yahoo news that was knowingly found to be leaked from the source and not verified.

All I can say is read this blog post and then go actually read the memo. Two totally different stories.

Kinda sorta. Page had at least one FISA out on him previously.

So there is absolutely no way there could be a link between Clinton and Russia and there is no way Trump didn’t launder Russian money. Gotcha.

The Teslas seem to have a lower amp draw ratings from the built-in inverter than what I would like to see. I assume they are trying to maximize on battery degradation, or maybe the new batts they are producing aren’t up to snuff for off grid usage. Them using Samsungs in Australia kinda backs up the latter. Am/Was I

It cost me $1500 for shingles and two days of sitting on the couch. I’ll do yours for $14,999. Including travel.

That is installed. They don’t sell systems without them installing it.

How many companies in Australia manufacturing panels? All I can find is one. And another headline says they (the one) manufacture out of China.

Depends on the size of the hail. There is a cover over the fragile cells to protect. They will last longer than your roof. Assuming you are like me and have asphalt shingles. In fact the panels will add life to the shingles by blocking wind and rain that will degrade the shingles. Yes they lose efficiency, but not

The smelling of the hand is going a bit far when you get permission if you ask me. It’s an action that is ‘foreign’ to every animal, including us. I get a lot of that with my pit bull and all she wants to do is smell your pants then lick your face. But instead she is wondering wtf you are doing, and I am wondering why

You decided to throw in ‘Russian ties’ that had absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Kinda like those manipulative statements “other stupid motherfuckers among the general population...”

You do realize that just a few years prior, Hillary was over there with a big ass ‘symbolic’ reset button right? Why is it OK to accept donations from Russian Uranium investors and not OK to sell real estate to Russian rich dudes?

Bank records that ‘could’ be evidence you mean. Manafort and Gates could have laundered money WAY back in 2006. and real estate listings?

Apple knew from the start that sticking in a tee-tiny battery would inherently do this. 15% degradation (3 yrs) in an 1500 mAh bat is going to hurt a lot worse than a batt double its size. I honestly don’t get why anyone would try to justify the decisions they made... outside if having blinders on.

Then why is it that is takes longer and longer with each iOS update to do nothing more then open the phone app? Talking iPhone 4/4s/5/5s. I don’t know what has been done since then. Why did Siri slow older phones down to a crawl when the assistant did no such thing?

I have seen way better than that driving state roads in Utah. TBH that Martian pic doesn’t hold a candle to it. No offense. If varied rock landscapes are your thing...Utah is where you want to be. East side. Hwy 191. There are spots that will make you pull over and weep. Right now with that Supermoon... I bet it is

I think they mean more protein than the ‘almost milk’ the op was drinking.

What in the world does that have to do with anything? Since you bring it up... think about how high it could be if they didn’t release buggy and out-dated products/features?

I do laugh every time I see a blogger talk about how little the bloat is on a Google device or any other Android device for that matter. There is so much Google bloat that it is annoying. You can at least uninstall the majority of it. The ones that you cannot uninstall are there for a reason though. All of the codecs