
That was hilarious.

A bunch of things with that that is causing mixed feelings. One. I see that the tariffs are solely on solar. I don’t care for that, but it is at least a start. Two. They are putting things on ‘hold’ and not cancelling them. Three. They are complaining because their ‘competitive advantage’ is at risk. I would argue

Denver does this also. The mountain pass coming into Denver from the west side also does it. Dallas does it too. The question is do they do this so they don’t have to do a toll road and make everyone pay. Good and bad I guess.

I don’t see it as losing jobs in the installer business. A thirty percent hike on the product is chump change in comparison to the labor. It will only add six months or so to the total payoff. Everyone thinks that because it would cost $30k to install solar that the $30k is now $40k. and that is not the case.

That is a very good point. I would counter that with it’s the labor that costs and not the panels themselves when looking at that. A $5k system will cost $20k+ with installation. So you add 30% to the 5k which comes out to a whopping $1500. So add six months to the time it takes to pay off? Even a monstrous ten

Why should I care about what someone else thinks? I am not one of those that form opinions on what other people tell me. I think for myself. Just as what you think makes absolutely no difference in my day to day life because you are not a part of it.

Why do we have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to say that we ‘commit’ to something that we are already doing? What is the sense in that? Rhetorical.

I’d be interested to know about those tariffs myself. I have seen some things on the news about it (tariffs in general), but not specifically directed towards renewables. Not trying to take away from the seriousness of that with with what I say next, but... I have seen on more than one occasion where OEMs of solar

I don’t understand all of the hype around the Paris Accord. I remember the look on Obama’s face when asked if the PA was going to make things better and it (the look) wasn’t him being impressed. Talking about the Leonardo documentary. So if it isn’t anything but a ‘start’, why are we complaining that Trump pulled us

Nothing worse than the car in front of you slamming on its brakes when it doesn’t need to do so. Not only is it annoying AF, but it is also very dangerous and slows down traffic a couple hundred yards back. It’s like those yahoos that speed up to cut you off and then slam on their brakes.  Only to immediately gas it

The Nests produce much better video quality than the Yis. Agree that the monthly cloud is a complete scam though.

The Nests produce much better video quality than the Yis. Agree that the monthly cloud is a complete scam though.

Now playing

I bought the Chinese versions before they had English ones. 30 day cloud is $22 a year. And as said below... you use an SD card for local storage. So buy one for each cam you buy. You can also buy Xiaomi Router for $35'ish and add a usb flash drive to offload your motion clips. But in all reality if you buy a couple

I bought the Chinese versions before they had English ones. 30 day cloud is $22 a year. And as said below... you use

So confirmed that the FP sensor will work in the US? Or will they be turning them off for sales in the US? Pretty sure it is a contract with Verizon that kept them from being able to enable it.

Not really. You click on a click-bait advert in order to view a page with adverts.

“Same journalistic standards”. From Tom McKay? LMAO!

Below Uber? Really?

That totally ignores the fat he trimmed this year. The downsizing. etc. You know...All that stuff you have been bitching about.

How is any of that evidence against Trump? And btw. Absolutely hilarious that your first link was where Hillary had her people in contact with the Russians in order to set up that meeting. You can read all about it in the last bit of my comment up there. I guess there was no colluding on her side at all, right? She

You said massive increase. And yes, i would consider 650 bil a rather large increase, but nothing near as bad as what Obama was doing. Unemployment is down further than it has ever been. We are slowly cutting off Obama funding for terrorist groups. A lot of good is happening. You just don’t care to admit it.

Odds are Samsung sold 33million Note8s. They sold over ten million Note7s in the first month last year and had torecall them. Ten million might not be accurate. But I do remember 2mil being recalled in the US alone. One thing is certain... Apple does not sell 180 million more flagships than Samsung. Though with as bad