
I can like and respect any newspaper/blog site that reports the news without massive amounts of speculation, conjecture, and doom and gloom. The problem is the NYT has serious issues with being objective. This site is the same way.

You can get the Google Home and this kit for 179 at bestbuy

You can get the Google Home and this kit for 179 at bestbuy

Not always. Most ‘off grid’ areas (cheap land) are huge parcels split up into smaller ones.... with no address.

If buying a piece of property without an address, you will need to have the county come out to give you an one. They will tell you where to put your driveway in, then once you do so they will give you an official address. Thus adding you to the mail route and giving you the ability for the state to recognize you as a

No reason a tiny home can’t be built to codes.

It depends on what they find. This isn’t software. This is a hardware fault. Like some bad soldering, misaligned touch sensor. etc. Kind of hard to catch every single variable in the factories. Just ask the Note7.

I am talking Android flagships in general. Android is all you need for Bells and Whistles. The extra stuff that OEMs add is the icing on the cake. The best smartphone experience comes in the form of the OnePlus5. It’s fast. It’s smooth. It gives weeks of your life back over the course of the year that you have to do

Anyone have any experience with using an optical audio to bluetooth converter in order to make the Sonos work on non smart TVs? I don’t really have a reason to upgrade my old Vizio... it still works. But would like the ability to connect a smart speaker.

Anyone have any experience with using an optical audio to bluetooth converter in order to make the Sonos work on non

I Loooolllll’d

If you want the latest and greatest with all the bells and whistles.... why are you buying an iphone?

With those specs and that huge battery... One would think it would last a lot longer in a rundown test. I suspect the hardware is so cheap that it loses out a lot in efficiency. There are full HD screened phones out there with faster processors and smaller batteries that last longer than this. But for two bills... I

Same goes with PV. Those things are toxic. And their waste is already enough of a problem to cause some to worry about what to do in the future as more and more people repair and replace. And dare I mention the guy next door to my brother that ripped off a ten year old asphalt shingle roof (30 tr warranty) in order to

I have an 00 Rav4 with 278k. Uses a quart every 3k. 140hp (new) at 3500lbs. That is all to say that I ‘feel ya’ with the hills and heavy foot comment.

Why would anyone want to do that? He is already paying for the hurricane victims.

Sorry Keyboard Warriors... You are going to need a gun for this one.

I think you said it best. ‘May’ collude.

I don’t really know why they would be against the exec. order. They will just see it as a way to keep the ‘non-master-race’ in line. Seems like it is the liberal fucking hypocrites that are against it after reading this blog.

My point was you ask for the upside of him fighting these battles and I ask what the upside is in making it a ‘battle’ in the first place? The answer you more or less gave was ‘it makes me feel better’. I would like to introduce the idea of not taking it to such extremes in your head. None of it really matters in the

I am a bit mixed on this subject. On one hand I really don’t care to pay for the constant medical bills of a trans soldier. Medical care that will continue until the day they die. If you want to serve your country... then don’t get a sex change. Simple as that. If you want a sex change.. then understand that means you

I have to wonder how much time and money is wasted by the left with rumors of collusion, getting women in men’s bathrooms and men in women’s, protests and marches, and general consistent whining about any move the man makes. Maybe you could explain the upside to those? And please don’t say the upside is you will never