
Those pics don’t do it justice.

“The report confirms yet again what the entire scientific community already knows—that humans are responsible for climate change, and incontestable amounts of evidence suggest the outcome will be dire without collective action to lower greenhouse gas emissions. “

I continue to be amazed at how far we have to go before we know anything at all about how another planet works, yet we continue to think that we know everything about this one.

What proof? A thousand bucks says you can’t find anything that proves there is a such thing as ‘climate change’.

The only people spreading misinformation and doubt were the media, and uninformed people such as yourself. Just as they still are to this day. I asked you to elaborate and all I got was a facetious answer. Typical.

So we shouldn’t get any of our money back, eh? Just spend and borrow, then spend and borrow some more.

I was reading the Washington Post take on it. They had a part in there where people tht are in the military want the government to pay for their sex change. At least that is how I read it. But you also have to think about the costs of hormones, shrinks, and any other thing that might arise from the sex change UNTIL

Because there is no proof. Not because of politics. Anyone can show you a graph, but nobody can tell you how the earth would be at this moment in time if none of us were here. They also cannot tell you what it will look like in ten years. Think about that.

Spreading misinformation and doubt? Please do elaborate. How many of those emails were found to be made up? One? Two? The fact is those leaks enlightened us to the corruption in the DNC and the Clintons. Just ask my man Bernie.

Being created equal and all... this was an act of violence against a person.

I laugh every time I see proof and graph in the same sentence. There should be a rule that bloggers/journos/Bill Nye know the difference.

All anyone needs to do is prove it. The problem is nobody has or can. Till then... keep typing on your environment ravaging computer in order to spread ‘the word’.

Very good attempt at putting the liberal spin on things. Completely voluntary, that we officially volunteered to do.

Funny how for the last few days yall have been putting up post after post talking about how Trump as going down, then once Comey testifies and ONCE AGAIN... no evidence or anything comes from it... you don’t post a single thing.  

Can’t one single Dem not stereotype me? You want to talk about intellect, but don’t seem to want to have a conversation to broaden it.

Why do we need to pay money in order to say that we will reduce emissions? Why does pulling out of the thing mean we are going to ravage the earth?

Going to buy these now. I had to hit ‘load more’ three times to find a wiper blade that scrubs bugs. Spent many hours designing them in my head while driving. These aren’t what I want to invent.. but they are close enough.

Going to buy these now. I had to hit ‘load more’ three times to find a wiper blade that scrubs bugs. Spent many

I think it’s more like ‘how can I make a quick buck by being the only person with the hottest pepper on the market’.

Yeah you know people only think about what they see right now. They don’t stop to think about what will be available once all of the OEMs start producing EVs. It will still be a couple of years before the average person can walk into a Tesla store and walk out with a Mod3. That is when the real game begins.

Have you actually looked at where we rank in education? We are already at substandard levels. Maybe it is time to get someone in there that is unqualified. Can’t really get any worse.