Mid-century Shithole

Was gonna say, I knew this was a swedish thing but didn't know it was a thing in Finland.

when people actually learn about Lucid, an american car company making the world’s most amazing cars.. with insane 500 miles range, more luxury than a mercedes s class, and better handling than most sports cars.. for just over $60k..

Think of folk in Finland’s rock-a-billy “Raggare” scene who favor old Detroit hot rods.”

That’s Sweden you’re thinking of. Even the article says it’s Sweden. Please don’t confuse the two, both Finns and Swedes hate it.

They aren’t ‘impersonating law enforcement’ as we don’t have Sheriffs* and Troopers here, just like you’d be allowed to drive a German police car marked up as Polizei.

I had absolutely no idea what my car was going for after a year of ownership, though looking right now, it looks like about half of it’s original sticker price after 2.5 years of ownership despite its gas-powered engine.

That only matters if you want to resell it quickly.

If you figure out how to generate more power from the motion of the wheels than the amount of power it takes to get those wheels to move, you will win a Nobel Prize and become fabulously wealthy.

Are you asking why a perpetual energy machine doesn’t exist?

Apparently, Tesla thinks it has a better chance of selling them to Canadians rather than Americans

Their mistake was still having any Foundation Series left unsold when they began selling the normal series. Foundation Series was meant to be a limited run where you’re paying for the limited badge to show you were First. But once you could buy a normal one simultaneously, the badge has become meaningless.

Wonder where all his past extended vehicles have gone. He’s done this a number of times.


Make it a shooting brake and I might be right there with you.

It also sounds like grits, which is a plus.

When Chrysler and Mercedes-Benz merged, the hope was that Benz would help Chrysler build better quality cars. Instead, Benz quality went into the shit catcher, never to recover.

What does Nissan bring to the table? Millions drivers with credit scores of < 500 who don’t know where the DMV is.

Yep, hard to see what Nissan has to offer. Apart from the early Z:s from the 70's I don’t think they’ve made a vehicle I would like to own.

1st Gear: But why? What does Nissan bring to the table aside from its trucks/SUVs and perhaps some passenger cars in other regions? In the US all Nissan brings is credit-challenged consumers and outdated cars.

Everyone about Nissan: Flush that turd down the drain!